
When machines learn to communicate: the role of ontologies in the interoperability
In a previous blog post, we talked about the importance of interoperability and how it allows different systems to communicate with each other without barriers. We used the metaphor of the digital Tower of Babel to explain the challenges that arise when multiple...
Integration of hydrogen into the Spanish energy system: the CARTIF perspective
Spain is positioned as a global referent in the energy transition thanks to its ambitious energy and climate change policies. According to the report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Spain aspires to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, with 100% renewable...
Hydrogen. Green that I want you to design green
The importance of the design tools and green hydrogen optimisation Green hydrogen is positioning itself as a viable alternative in the context of the transition towards clean and sustainable energy sources. Not only does this energy carrier transform energy without...
Overcoming the Digital Tower of Babel: Interoperability, a key element for the obtention of Intelligent and Connected Buildings
I have always been passionate about telecommunications, and the implicit idea of achieving a "connected world", wired or wireless, where information flows from one end of the globe to the other, regardless of the location and the native way in which each country, city...
Solution Bundles: A tool in the path through climate neutrality
Do you want to know the tool before telling you more about it? Enter to the Beta version here In 2022, the European Commission choosed 112 cities to participate in the"100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030" initiative (27 european and 12 from partner...
Spain energy future: flexibility as the key to a sustainable system
The world is moving towards a future without fossil fuels, and this transformation is already underway. Fossil fuels, which have been the main source of energy for more than a century, are in decline for reasons of both environmental sustainability and limited...
Batteries of the future: beyond lithium
In the vast universe of energy technology, lithium-ion batteries have reignes supreme for decades. From our mobile phones to electric vehicles, these batteries have been the silent engine that drives our daily lives. But, like any technology, lithium also has its...
The waters of innovation: How AI is Redefining Hydropower in Europe
The hydropower sector is a key driver of the energy transition in Europe. In 2022, renewable energies accounted for 41.2% of the total electricity consumption in Europe, with hydropower representing 29.9% of total renewable generation. As more energy sources are...
REHOUSE. Working towards accelerating the EU building renovation rate
In a world where sustainability is increasingly at the forefront of our concerns, the need for innovative solutions to transform our built environment is more pressing than ever. The current state of the EU building stock presents a significant challenge, acting as...
Central Asia, from its history marked by the silk route, to its present and promising future as a sources of renewable energy sources
If any of us were asked what we know of Central Asia, perhaps we could say it’s a geographical region located in the heart of the Asian continent made up of several countries that emerged from the disintegration of the USSR. We might even be able to name some of them...
We ran out of light
A couple of weeks ago I participated in a meeting of companies working in the field of information and communication technologies applied to the energy sector. Among the participants were representatives of companies that develop solutions based on artificial...
The art of thermal comfort: revolutionising buildings with PCM and heat pumps
Imagine living in a building where the temperature is as constant as grandma´s secret recipe. How to achieve it? This is where Phase Change Materials (PCM) and heat pumps powered by renewable energy come in, the dynamic duo of energy efficiency. PCM are like zen...
Today´s buildings, ready for tomorrow?
Did you know that we spend approximately 90% of our time inside buildings, and that they are responsible for more than 40% of energy consumption in the European Union? These places where we carry out our main activity are the core of our economy and society, but, how...
A year ago, at the beginning of 2023, at CARTIF we started one of those great projects that leave a footprint (although if we talk in terms of emissions, the idea is actually to reduce them), NEUTRALPATH. In it, the cities of Zaragoza (Spain) and Dresden (Germany) are...
Leave no one behind
Africa, a diverse and vibrant continent, is in the midst of a unique energy transformation. International organizations such as the United Nations are promoting this energy transition under the philosophy of being just, equitable and "leave no one behind"1. In this...
Uncertainties in electricity supply
These days we are seeing news in the media1 about the possibility of blackouts in the coming years. This news has its roots in a report published by Red Eléctrica de España entitled "National Resource Adequancy Assessment"2 . It summarises the conclusions of the...
Being active citizens in the energy transition: a collective responsibility
In recent decades, the evolution towards a genuine energy and environmental transition has taken a fascinating course. Our social and productive system is undergoing an unprecedented transformation, and the major issues that characterise the 21st century, such as...
Sustainable Mobility Plans, a key element for the decarbonisation of our cities
When we think of decarbonisation, the type of activity that comes to mind first and foremost is the implementation of large wind farms or solar farms that generate large amounts of clean energy. Or the much-needed refurbishment of buildings, which would drastically...
The demographic challenge, a challenge of contrasts. The case of Spain
You have probably heard or read in the news that many villages in the so-called “Empty Spain” are offering housing and work for those seeking new opportunities away from the big cities. Perhaps it may seem a desperate measure by these areas to cope with the the...
PLADEMI: access to energy services for development in Ibero-America
Universal acces to sustainable energy is an indisputable objective for the human development and the fight against poverty. Electrical energy services are vital "satisfiers" of human needs such as cooking and refrigeration, lighting, heating, trasnport, communication,...
BIM for renovation?
New European directives on energy efficiency, targeting a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to be achieved by 2023, are triggering deep renovation building projects, which are largely responsible for these emissions. This high demand for the...
Energy Communities as key actors in the energy transition. Constitution process
We are currently witnessing a profound transformation of the global energy model, driven by the need to curb the steady increase in the Earth's temperature caused by climate change. The EU´s commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and to reduce GHG emissions...
Climate and sustainability policies, how are they related and why are they essential for the future of the planet?
Climate change is a phenomenon which has been scientifically observed for several decades, but it was not until the 1980´s that the term became widely popular and it has been growing ever since. Nowadays, not a week goes by without a new alarming headline appears,...
High temperature heat-pumps: a sustainable and efficient solution through industrial decarbonisation
Decarbonisation of the industrial sector is currently is at the heart of the European agenda, as it seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve agreed climate targets. The European Union aims to be climate neutral by 2050; that is to say, it has set itself...
Is all that glitters gold? (When talking about heat pumps)
"Pumps, pumps..." So goes one of the best-known songs by a Spanish artist from the early and mid-90s Spanish music scene. Although too much has happened since then, we can relate the theme to the current energy crisis we are suffering, caused by the war between...
We say goodbye to mySMARTLife
The closing process of a successful project, executed for 7 years continuously (60 months of implementation and almost a year of preparation), always carries a bittersweet feeling. On the one hand, there is the satisfaction of having achieved the objective, which is...
COP27: why decisions on climate change made at this summit affect you?
From November 6 to 20, the 27th Conference of the Parties took place in Sharm el Sheikh, where state leaders met in search of agreements against climate change and the definition of an action plan to deal with the challenges current. In this blog we reveal the...
Overview of flexible demand management
A few weeks ago, SmartEn1 association published an estimate of the benefits that could be achieved through flexible demand management. Recall that flexible demand management is the set of actions that stimulate consumers to change their usual pattern of electricity...
Heating: alternatives to gas that are easy on the wallet
Figure 1. Tracing Valladolid heat networks. Source: SOMACYL The COVID-19 hangover has left us with a supply crisis with long queues (not only at the supermarket) that has increased the prices of equipment and all kinds of components. In addition, the armed conflict...
Maps, a window to knowledge
Interrelationship between maps and data When we talk about the word map, the image of a drawing representing countries and oceans comes to mind. For the most veteran of us, maps can bring back memories of the times when we used to have those folded maps in our cars...
SmartEnCity, main character of the Europe Congress Palace
We have already spoken on numerous occasions about the impact of cities on energy consumption and emissions generated to the environment. And consequently, also of the important role that they have to play in the necessary transition towards climate neutrality, the...
Energy poverty makes its way in Europe between heatwaves and energy prices
Last June the European Commission (from the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub: EPAH) published a handbook as a guide to understand and addressing energy poverty, which has become a reality in Europe, and particularly in Spain. Although there is no agreement on a common...
Quantum Computing is not science fiction
For many science fiction fans, quantum computers are those gadgets than can make everything and that they are installed as on-board computers in spacecrafts or they appear as laptops of reduced size and sophisticated aesthetics. For many of those that aren´t fans of...
Why Central Asia has become a hotspot for Europe?
In 2020, the European Commission launched a Research proposal (or "topic") with a budget of 10 million Euros that aimed at the development of innovative and sustainable mini-hydropower solutions in Central Asia. What makes this remote part of the world special for the...
From Apollo 13 to the Digital Building Twins
"Houston, we`ve had a problem" This phrase, which is now part of history and sounds familiar to most of us, even if we belong to a different generation, was used by the astronauts on board the Apollo 13 spacecraft after an oxygen tank on board explosion. This happened...
The spanish position at the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission
As already mentioned in other posts, climate change and the degradation of the environment is an existential threat and one of the main challenges Europe and the rest of the world are facing nowadays. Acting in a pretentiously ambitious way, the European Commission...
You may end up owning a power generation company.
You thought it would never happen, but you´re watching it happen. Your world upsidedown at an unexpected speed. Ecologists announced a different world according to their believes, but it turns out that in the end it will be the cold sceptics of the Excel sheet who...
House and moon
It is common knowledge that the moon goes through phases depending on its relative position between the earth and the sun. Thanks to that nights can be a showcase for looking to the starry skies or the perfect environment so that lycanthropes can take on vampires. In...
Will we gave out of the cave?
Caves were our first home but, have we stopped to think about how our ancestors felt in the cold mornings of winter? And in hot summer days? We may be surprised... Humanity had had multiple and different homes. From the tipis of the american indians to the skyscrapers...
Sustainable mobility plans: It´s now or never
It is undeniable that the coming decades will be crucial for both the society and the Earth´ s environmental health, so it will be determined if our Planet is able or not to support all the world population. Nowadays, it seems that the situation is more than...
Climate change, a reality we have to face
Climate change is an increasingly visible reality on our planet, affecting millions of people around the world. These changes in climate are clearly recognizable by the increase in temperatures, the decrease in water resources, the sea level rise or the increasingly...
The future electricity grids would be more strong and efficient
The energy sector is undergoing a deep transformation to respond to the need to combat climate change and thus contribute to the sustainability of life onour planet. This is being articulated through the so-called "Energy Transition", which involves two big...
Industrial technology within reach of citizens: residential cogeneration
Do you know what cogeneration is? Cogeneration refers to the simultaneous production of electricity and heat, our two main basic energetic needs. The benefits of these technologies are multiple: It´ s 40% more efficient than producing electricity and heat...
“NON-EXHAUST PARTICLES”: The huge unknown of the road transport
The road transport is the main source of particles emissions in the urban environment and one of the most importantat at a global level. Consciouss of the gravity of the problem , the European Union established limits, each time more restrictive, for the scape...
SOS Planet eart: challenges and solutions through the decarbonization of the construction sector
What does it mean the tears of Alon Sharma during the closure of the COP26 of Glasgow? Only one week separate us from the celebration of the last Conference of the United Nations about the Climate Change (COP26), and in my mind has been recorded the downcast image of...
The next step of our cities: the climate neutrality
As a Technology Centre devoted to R&D&I and at the head of projects whose main goal is the innovation, in CARTIF we have been active in the clear evolution of the challenges or objectives that the European Commission has set to our cities and urban...
The challenge of the characterisation of the building stock
It is well know that more than a third of the total final energy consumed in the European Union is consumed in residential and tertiary sector buildings. For this reason, in recent years, various directives and calls for proposals have tried to promote the renovation...
Consumer energy flexibility
There are two things that have nothing to do with each other but that in real, they have to: the perplexity of a roe deer in the foothills of the Torozos hills when she founds a fence surrounding a photovoltaic park and that the 64%1 of the Spanish people do not know...