
Robot training in virtual worlds?
Have you ever tried a car racing game? An F1 race, a rally, or if you`ve tried driving Assestto Corsa, maybe you know where I am going with this little reflection. If you have ever done so, you will have experienced a sense of "realism" of behaviour . In fact, if you...
Boosting innovation and digital sovereignty: the open source software Strategy of the European Commission
In a world increasingly dependent on technology, the European Union has been embracing a focus on driving innovation, ensuring cyber security and strengthening its digital sovereignty. At the heart of this strategy is a commitment to open source software which is...
CARTIF, SMEs and Digital Transformation
What is Digital Transformation? The world nowadays is immersed in a deep digital transformation change, whether we like it or not. Moreover, it seems the logical order of human evolution, because human development, is linked to technological development, since the...
Education for digitilazation
The digital transformation seems to have become the lifeline of administrative, educational and business sectors in the face of the serious health and economic situation that we are going through. The urgency of incorporating more traditional activities into the...
Covid Trackers
For a month, almost since the end of the confinement, we have received daily news about the cases of regrowth, which have not stopped increasing in number and incidence. In Spain we are told, through the media, about how important the work of trackers is to keep...
Improving our cities with ICTs
In the European Union 40% of the total final energy is consumed in residential and tertiary buildings. That is reason behind several European Directives established with the aim that the Member States develop long-term strategies encouraging the renovation of...