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Wildfires in Spain: A scorching reality fueled by Climate Change

Let’s talk about wildfires in Spain! Spain is well known for its Mediterranean climate, characterized by high temperatures and low precipitation, particularly during summer. These features attract many tourists every year that choose Spain as holiday destination to enjoy its sunny beaches, vibrant...

Talking about everything visible and invisible (II)

Refreshing your memory, in the previous blog “Talking about everything visible and invisible (I)” we briefly told you about the digital technologies and techniques used to inspect, document and analyze Cultural Heritage in the visible range (the one that our eyes capture). It is now time to tell...

Spain energy future: flexibility as the key to a sustainable system

The world is moving towards a future without fossil fuels, and this transformation is already underway. Fossil fuels, which have been the main source of energy for more than a century, are in decline for reasons of both environmental sustainability and limited availability1. The PNIEC (National...

Collaborative robots: new work employees on construction

The construction industry is undergoing a quiet revolution. While cranes and excavators continue to take centre stage on construction sites, a new type of worker is gaining ground: collaborative robots, or "cobots". These efficient helpers will transform the way we construct and rehabilitate...

(Bio)hydrogen: a sustainable energy source for the future

Over the past decades, hydrogen has been identified as a potential clean fuel, although its mass adoption has been hampered by the abundance of oil and low relative prices of fossil fuels, as well as, in recent years, by the advance of the battery electric vehicle. Today, while technological...

Behind the Curtain: Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is contributing to the transformation of a large number of sectors, from suggesting a song to analyzing our health status via a watch, along with manufacturing industry. One hindrance on this transformation relates to the overall complexity of AI systems, which often...

Fermentation, travel partner

Fermentation is perhaps one of the oldest technologies that has accompanied humanity for thousand of years. Throughout history, numerous evidences and traces have been found that demonstrate the use of fermentation by several cultures and civilisations, as a common and fundamental practice in the...

Batteries of the future: beyond lithium

In the vast universe of energy technology, lithium-ion batteries have reignes supreme for decades. From our mobile phones to electric vehicles, these batteries have been the silent engine that drives our daily lives. But, like any technology, lithium also has its limitations and challenges. What...


'Innflation' (innovation + innflation) is the phenomenon whereby an increase in the supply of R&D is not reflected in a reduction in its price because there is a stimulated demand for the purchase of that R&D. It´s the phenomenon that moves us away from dull innovation systems...

METABUILDING Labs, or how to improve the technical and environmental quality of façade components for building construction

The construction sector has evolved over the years and, with it, processes and products have gradually adapted to the needs of the market at all times. At CARTIF we have been researching and working in the field of infrastructures and building around thirty years to transform architecture and...

Content categories

icono Agroalimentación


icono Agroalimentación

Energy & Environment

We ran out of light

We ran out of light

A couple of weeks ago I participated in a meeting of companies working in the field of information and communication technologies applied to the energy sector. Among the participants were representatives of companies that develop solutions based on artificial...

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Biogenic gas. What do you mean?

Biogenic gas. What do you mean?

Biogas as an energy source is becoming more and more popular, but what is biogas and how does it differ from natural gas? The difference is that natural gas is a fossil fuel, while biogenic gas is renewable. Natural gas was formed millions of years ago, at the age of...

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icono Agroalimentación

Health & Quality of life

The passage of time

The passage of time

It is curious how, at the moment we find ourselves, our sense of time has been so disrupted due to the confinement to which the entire population is subjected. Humanity has developed all kinds of tools that allow us to feel we have everything under control. That is...

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Construction and Heritage

Interdisciplinary Teams: The Future of Cultural Heritage

Interdisciplinary Teams: The Future of Cultural Heritage

Innovation and new technologies bring forth a variety of possibilities, obstacles and unknown questions that in order to be addressed, require the formation of interdisciplinary temas that allow for the reinforcement of each professional´s skills, enriching themselves...

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Covid Trackers

Covid Trackers

For a month, almost since the end of the confinement, we have received daily news about the cases of regrowth, which have not stopped increasing in number and incidence. In Spain we are told, through the media, about how important the work of trackers is to keep...

Improving our cities with ICTs

Improving our cities with ICTs

In the European Union 40% of the total final energy is consumed in residential and tertiary buildings. That is reason behind several European Directives established with the aim that the Member States develop long-term strategies encouraging the renovation of...

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Innovating R&D

Innovating in capital letters: r+d+I

Innovating in capital letters: r+d+I

I´ve always thought that the acronym R&D&i corresponded to the greater or lesser risk of carrying out the associated activities, hence the first two were capital letters and the third was lower case. After 15 years working in a technology centre I realise that...