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World Food Day; with soul of water
Today, 16th October, we celebrate once again a very important date for each and every living being of the planet; World Food Day. This time, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) pays tribute to precious resource essential for life; WATER....
Towards a Food Revolution: UN Food System Summit + Stocktacking Moment
The food revolution has begun in Rome! From 24 to 26 July 2023, the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was filled with hope and action at the event UN Food System Summit + Stocktaking Moment. More than 2,000 participants...
Energy & Environment
Batteries of the future: beyond lithium
In the vast universe of energy technology, lithium-ion batteries have reignes supreme for decades. From our mobile phones to electric vehicles, these batteries have been the silent engine that drives our daily lives. But, like any technology, lithium also has its...
The waters of innovation: How AI is Redefining Hydropower in Europe
The hydropower sector is a key driver of the energy transition in Europe. In 2022, renewable energies accounted for 41.2% of the total electricity consumption in Europe, with hydropower representing 29.9% of total renewable generation. As more energy sources are...
(Bio)hydrogen: a sustainable energy source for the future
Over the past decades, hydrogen has been identified as a potential clean fuel, although its mass adoption has been hampered by the abundance of oil and low relative prices of fossil fuels, as well as, in recent years, by the advance of the battery electric vehicle....
Fermentation, travel partner
Fermentation is perhaps one of the oldest technologies that has accompanied humanity for thousand of years. Throughout history, numerous evidences and traces have been found that demonstrate the use of fermentation by several cultures and civilisations, as a common...
LASER: from death ray to the swiss knife of technology
"LA man discovers science-fiction death ray". This was the shocking headline that appeared in a Los Angeles newspaper in July 1960. A few weeks earlier, on 16 May 1960, the American engineer and physicist Theodore H. Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories had...
The evolution of HRIs (Human-robot interaction). More agile and adaptable to different scenarios
In a world where humans perform tasks that involve manipulating objects, such as lifting, dragging or interacting with them (for example, when we use our beloved mobile phones or we eat an apple), these actions are performed subconsciously, naturally. It is our senses...
Health & Quality of life
The passage of time
It is curious how, at the moment we find ourselves, our sense of time has been so disrupted due to the confinement to which the entire population is subjected. Humanity has developed all kinds of tools that allow us to feel we have everything under control. That is...
On World Health Day, #stayhome but do it in a healthy and active way
April 7 is World Health Day. It is paradoxical that this year we will celebrate it confined due to a global pandemic. However, although #Istayhome, life goes on and we cannot let our guard down when it comes to health. Each of us associates the fact of being at home...
Construction and Heritage
METABUILDING Labs, or how to improve the technical and environmental quality of façade components for building construction
The construction sector has evolved over the years and, with it, processes and products have gradually adapted to the needs of the market at all times. At CARTIF we have been researching and working in the field of infrastructures and building around thirty years to...
Talking about everything visible and invisible (I)
The European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH), created in 2023 and aimed to create innovative tools for digitizing cultural heritage objects, is a trending topic in the UE applied research to ensure the sustainable and affordable conservation of our...
Covid Trackers
For a month, almost since the end of the confinement, we have received daily news about the cases of regrowth, which have not stopped increasing in number and incidence. In Spain we are told, through the media, about how important the work of trackers is to keep...
Improving our cities with ICTs
In the European Union 40% of the total final energy is consumed in residential and tertiary buildings. That is reason behind several European Directives established with the aim that the Member States develop long-term strategies encouraging the renovation of...
Innovating R&D
Food reformulation; a step forward, that it is possible
Do we have the opportunity to make our food better (in every way)? Currently, one of the factors directly associated with disease risk and mortality is unhealthy diets. These diets are characterised by low intakes of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low in...
This is about essence..
By essence is meant that which constitutes the nature of things, that which is permanent and unchanging in them. Essence means the unchanging characteristics that make a thing what it is and without which it wouldn´t be what it is. The experience of 15 years working...