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(Bio)hydrogen: a sustainable energy source for the future

Over the past decades, hydrogen has been identified as a potential clean fuel, although its mass adoption has been hampered by the abundance of oil and low relative prices of fossil fuels, as well as, in recent years, by the advance of the battery electric vehicle. Today, while technological...

Behind the Curtain: Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is contributing to the transformation of a large number of sectors, from suggesting a song to analyzing our health status via a watch, along with manufacturing industry. One hindrance on this transformation relates to the overall complexity of AI systems, which often...

Fermentation, travel partner

Fermentation is perhaps one of the oldest technologies that has accompanied humanity for thousand of years. Throughout history, numerous evidences and traces have been found that demonstrate the use of fermentation by several cultures and civilisations, as a common and fundamental practice in the...

Batteries of the future: beyond lithium

In the vast universe of energy technology, lithium-ion batteries have reignes supreme for decades. From our mobile phones to electric vehicles, these batteries have been the silent engine that drives our daily lives. But, like any technology, lithium also has its limitations and challenges. What...


'Innflation' (innovation + innflation) is the phenomenon whereby an increase in the supply of R&D is not reflected in a reduction in its price because there is a stimulated demand for the purchase of that R&D. It´s the phenomenon that moves us away from dull innovation systems...

METABUILDING Labs, or how to improve the technical and environmental quality of façade components for building construction

The construction sector has evolved over the years and, with it, processes and products have gradually adapted to the needs of the market at all times. At CARTIF we have been researching and working in the field of infrastructures and building around thirty years to transform architecture and...

You can also consume locally

In a world that is increasingly globalized, the trend to consume local products and opt for short distribution chains has become increasingly relevant. This approach not only has economic implications but also environmental and social ones, positively impacting citizens and the planet. However,...

The waters of innovation: How AI is Redefining Hydropower in Europe

The hydropower sector is a key driver of the energy transition in Europe. In 2022, renewable energies accounted for 41.2% of the total electricity consumption in Europe, with hydropower representing 29.9% of total renewable generation. As more energy sources are integrated into the European energy...

Water guardians: innovative strategies to conserve our most precious resource

Water security is an essential concept defined as ´the ability of humankind to protect sustainable access to water, ensuring well-being, livelihoods and socio-economic development´. This concept includes taking measures to protect the ecosystems that provide this vital resource and to secure the...

Food reformulation; a step forward, that it is possible

Do we have the opportunity to make our food better (in every way)? Currently, one of the factors directly associated with disease risk and mortality is unhealthy diets. These diets are characterised by low intakes of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low in essential fatty acids, low in...

Content categories

icono Agroalimentación


World Food Day; with soul of water

World Food Day; with soul of water

Today, 16th October, we celebrate once again a very important date for each and every living being of the planet; World Food Day. This time, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) pays tribute to precious resource essential for life; WATER....

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Energy & Environment

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CAPRI, pathway and results

CAPRI, pathway and results

When a Project finalises, it is the time to recapitulate, time to collect all the information and the experience gained along. Along the three years and a half working in CAPRI project there has been a lot of time to do things, to obtain very good results or to feel...

LASER: from death ray to the swiss knife of technology

LASER: from death ray to the swiss knife of technology

"LA man discovers science-fiction death ray". This was the shocking headline that appeared in a Los Angeles newspaper in July 1960. A few weeks earlier, on 16 May 1960, the American engineer and physicist Theodore H. Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories had...

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Health & Quality of life

Extending the years of life in a natural way

Extending the years of life in a natural way

Oddly enough, old age is a relatively new phenomenon in western society. Since the XIX century when, thanks to the progress of the industrial and scientific development, increases the number of old people and their life expectancy, but at the same time increase the...

The new paradigm we are waiting

The new paradigm we are waiting

New technologies bring important changes in all sense of humanity life. Specifically, artificial intelligence (AI) is going to change the very meaning of the concept of ‘human being’ and even the concept of work, which has always been so closely linked to us. The...

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Construction and Heritage

Interdisciplinary Teams: The Future of Cultural Heritage

Interdisciplinary Teams: The Future of Cultural Heritage

Innovation and new technologies bring forth a variety of possibilities, obstacles and unknown questions that in order to be addressed, require the formation of interdisciplinary temas that allow for the reinforcement of each professional´s skills, enriching themselves...

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CARTIF, SMEs and Digital Transformation

CARTIF, SMEs and Digital Transformation

What is Digital Transformation? The world nowadays is immersed in a deep digital transformation change, whether we like it or not. Moreover, it seems the logical order of human evolution, because human development, is linked to technological development, since the...

Education for digitilazation

Education for digitilazation

The digital transformation seems to have become the lifeline of administrative, educational and business sectors in the face of the serious health and economic situation that we are going through. The urgency of incorporating more traditional activities into the...

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Innovating R&D

This is about essence..

This is about essence..

By essence is meant that which constitutes the nature of things, that which is permanent and unchanging in them. Essence means the unchanging characteristics that make a thing what it is and without which it wouldn´t be what it is. The experience of 15 years working...

The story of my centre. In search of happiness

The story of my centre. In search of happiness

CARTIF was born, like many other technology centres, in the heart of a university department. In our case, our General Director José R.Perán created it almost 30 years ago in the department of systems and automatic engineering of the School of Industrial Engineering...