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Tell me what you eat… and I will tell you if it is good for our planet
We are increasingly aware of the food that we eat, the nutrition intake that food brings and the impact of our shopping and consumption habits have on the planet. That is as it should be. The food we consume, that is, our dietary habits, contributes in one degree or...
Acrylamide has a special ‘COLOR’
From the creators of “What doesn´t kill you makes you fatter or is a sin” and "You don´t know what to eat" appears "Take care if you like overcooking!" and "Nightmare in the kitchen, there is acrylamide in your food". For years it was known that acrylamide was a toxic...

Energy & Environment
High temperature heat-pumps: a sustainable and efficient solution through industrial decarbonisation
Decarbonisation of the industrial sector is currently is at the heart of the European agenda, as it seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve agreed climate targets. The European Union aims to be climate neutral by 2050; that is to say, it has set itself...
Is all that glitters gold? (When talking about heat pumps)
"Pumps, pumps..." So goes one of the best-known songs by a Spanish artist from the early and mid-90s Spanish music scene. Although too much has happened since then, we can relate the theme to the current energy crisis we are suffering, caused by the war between...

Our wonderful guardians and neighbours!
People hear a lot about the decline of bees, about the lack of pollinators, but what are pollinators? more importantly, what do they do for us and what do we do for them? The group of pollinators is very wide, not only honey bees, which belong to one specific family....
Education is more than content
The education that people receive during all his life it´ s been influenced by the environment in which we live. When we are young and we start to be conscious about the world, the society usually provide us with the models and with the level of knowledge that it is...

Augmented reality (AR) will transform the way you work
The Augmented Reality (AR) after some fairly lukewarm beginnings is being seen as a technology with a promising future. Much of this change of image comes from the Pokémon Go phenomenon that about two years ago showed the augmented reality to the general public in a...
Reduction of costs and emissions in factories: real cases
Industry is one of the sectors with a highest energy demand, being the fossil fuels the main energy source used in the most of the industrial processes. The utilization of this type of fuels in the manufacture process of the industries generates a waste heat that is...

Health & Quality of life
Fighting with triple A (AAA), the silent enemy
The Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm (AAA) has been recognized as a major health problem in the last decade. The statistics associated with this condition are of great concern and, as recorded in most of the studies found in scientific literature, it is expected that its...
Medicine and Engineering: sentenced to be understood
The tools that engineering provides to the medicine are a fundamental pillar. The mathematical and computational modeling is essential to the generation of new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diseases. Behind many of the medicine advances there is an...

Construction and Heritage
When the historic buildings talk (IV)
In two previous blogs of 'When the Historic Buildings Talk' (2) and (3), we have described how does affect and what is the importance of monitoring temperature and humidity as well as lighting (natural and artificial) in historic buildings. To complete this saga of...
When the historic buildings talk (II)
In a previous post the social and economic importance of heritage conservation were already described. Also we promised that on successive posts we will go into more detail describing the three main aspects that need to be monitored to ensure such conservation....

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