Construction and Heritage

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Construction & Heritage

Why monitoring rural territories

Why monitoring rural territories

Rural territories often struggle with challenges that can hold back their growth and development. Infrastructure gaps, limited job opportunities, environmental risks, and the need for greater social inclusion are just some of the issues they face. However, they now...

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The BIM approach: fitting to Heritage?

The BIM approach: fitting to Heritage?

The BIM approach (Building Information Modelling) is all around Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals, but when it comes down, very few companies are founding their daily work on this paradigm and applications are really far from being homogeneous....

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When the historic buildings talk (III)

When the historic buildings talk (III)

In two previous posts [When the Historic Buildings Talk (I) and (II) apart from making clear the importance of the conservation of the built heritage as long as describing the environmental factors that influence such conservation, we have already faced the...

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When the historic buildings talk (IV)

When the historic buildings talk (IV)

In two previous blogs of 'When the Historic Buildings Talk' (2) and (3), we have described how does affect and what is the importance of monitoring temperature and humidity as well as lighting (natural and artificial) in historic buildings. To complete this saga of...

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When the historic buildings talk (II)

When the historic buildings talk (II)

In a previous post the social and economic importance of heritage conservation were already described. Also we promised that on successive posts we will go into more detail describing the three main aspects that need to be monitored to ensure such conservation....

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Aerial Images Treatment

Aerial Images Treatment

As you know, drones are becoming more and more used nowadays. The main reason is the decrease in its price. Therefore, taking aerial images using drones is more competitive than using other devices, such as planes, helicopters or satellites. This also allows ad-hoc...

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The future of Smart Cities in Latin America

The future of Smart Cities in Latin America

Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) is the developing region with the highest urbanization rate in the world. Its urban population has grown from 41% in 1950 to 80% in 2010 while the  economic activity is focused on urban centers (60% - 70% of regional GDP)....

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Roads that broke the ice

Roads that broke the ice

With this post I would like to take up the theme of under road heating, in order to delve a bit more into the benefit that can have heating the most critical points of the road. As I already indicated, the current solution to avoid and eliminate icing on the roads is...

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When heritage buildings talk (I)

When heritage buildings talk (I)

Let me remind you that Europe features the most diverse, rich and numerous cultural heritage around the world. 609 million tourists visited the "old continent" by 2015 (29 million in 2014) according to the World Tourism Organization, and, although it is somewhat...

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Geolocation systems are reaching indoors

Geolocation systems are reaching indoors

With global positioning systems, a phenomenon similar to what happened with mobile phones has occurred: in a few years we have gone from non-existence to consider it essential. The truth is that, in fact, geolocation is one of those technologies that has led to the...

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Sustainable public procurement and open data

Sustainable public procurement and open data

The Sustainable Public Procurement Initiative (SPPI) is nowadays the key policy instrument to promote sustainable development and move towards a green economy that fosters the development of products and services maximizing social and environmental benefits. EU public...

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Five false myths about thermographic camera

Five false myths about thermographic camera

Everybody knows what a thermographic camera is. Movies as “Predator”, the formula 1 broadcast, etc. have helped people to know this technology. CARTIF has been using it, during last years, in construction and infrastructure inspection. My intention is not to tell you...

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Guiding dancing structures

Guiding dancing structures

Despite the title, this blog is not about ballroom dances, but about something related to movement and how to guide your dance partner. Have you ever felt how a footbridge sways when you walk over it or how a stadium stand vibrates under your feet when you are jumping...

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Strategies to reduce emissions in urban bus

Strategies to reduce emissions in urban bus

Without doubt, the search for solutions that reduce emissions of passenger transport is one of the points where more efforts are being made. The electrification of urban bus is one of the points where most are working, there are several strategies that we will be...

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Under road heating

Under road heating

We all know the great efforts made by the authorities in reducing road accidents,  however, there are uncontrollable factors. This is the case of adverse weather conditions, including icing on the road surface. To address this problem, each community uses its own...

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C&D waste management around the world

C&D waste management around the world

Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D Waste or CDW) includes all the waste from the construction of new buildings, demolition of old ones and small refurbishment works. The generation and management of CDW is a serious environmental problem. Neglect or...

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The future of construction is printed in 3D

The future of construction is printed in 3D

3D printing is here to stay. When a new technology is so widespread that no longer catches the attention it is that its implementation is complete. More and more people have a plastic 3D printer at home and many of us know someone who has bought one or it has been...

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When structures age

When structures age

How to reduce structural conservation task expenses by implementing monitoring systems? The structures are not everlasting. They are projected to play a role for a certain number of years. Thus, a wind turbine mast lifespan is about 20 years while in the case of a...

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