The Cambridge dictionary defines the noun “label” as “a piece of paper or other material that gives you information about the object it is attached to.” An active social network user would explain us tags are one of the most famous ways people use to find content on Instagram, for example, therefore using the correct ones in your photos can increase your visibility, even your sales, and this is an interesting option, isn’t this? There is growing evidence about the importance of showing clear messages through labels, we cannot forget this aspect.
We explained you the meaning of nutrition labeling in food some time ago, so taking advantage of the fact that we are already aware of the importance of showing how much sugar is in our food as with choosing the right hashtagfor our photos, what do you think if we know a little more about environmental labels?
With consumers becoming increasingly demanding, to declare the environmental behavior of products, that is, show their environmental profile through a label, can make a differentiation from competitors. The International Standards Organisation (ISO) proposed three categories of environmental labels according to the aspects covered and the rigor required to award the seal (and they are not trending topic at this moment).
Let’s see:
Type I: Eco-label. These claims are a voluntary, multiple-criteria based, third party program that awards a license that authorises the use of environmental labels on products, based on life cycle considerations. One of the most widely used systems is the Eco-label scheme and among the multitude of products and services that are eligible to be labeled are shower gels.
Type II:Self-declaration claims. These labels are based on self-declarations by manufacturers or retailers and provide information about an only single significant environmental impact. There are numerous examples of such claims, for example, the Möbius loop.
Type III. Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). These claims consist of quantified product information based on life cycle impacts under several categories of parameters and presented in a form set and verified by a qualified third party, showing environmental impacts.
Now, visualize yourself in the aisle of your supermarket with an eco-labeled product in your hand, reading the phrase “better for the environment” and listening in your head a question “who has verified this, the same company that manufactures the product?”. It’s just not the case. Labeling generates controversy, we know this, so we take this opportunity to tell you that any company that seeks to obtain an eco-label type I or III must follow a rigorous and exhaustive process, which implies to carry out a complete Life Cycle Assessment and it will be necessary to verify all the calculations by a qualified third party. This implies these processes can on no account be branded as arbitrary and avoiding the green-washing is a commitment.
Of course, we encourage you to check it #youchoose.
The use of computer environments in the mechanical engineering field has grown significantly in recent decades. Most companies in the industry are aware of the benefits of computer-aided design (CAD) and engineering (CAE) systems. The traditional tasks associated with the design of machine elements, structures and manufacturing processes might prove very straight forward. The biggest benefit is obtained when interdisciplinary teams share models in order to designers, analysts and suppliers can evaluate several alternatives, understand design decisions and collaborate to achieve the requirements of functionality, quality and cost. This interaction requires agreed management systems, cross-platform environments and local and cloud computing and storage capabilities to take full advantage of its potential.
Nowadays simulation environments offer new capabilities to solve more complex problems. The major advantage of finite element analysis techniques is that it can handle coupled equations describing Multiphysics problems of interest to production companies. The traditional calculations to determine trajectories, tensions and deflections in mechanical structures, mechanisms and assemblies are now added abilities interaction with the surrounding fluids, allowing to address problems of combustion in biomass boilers, of undermining in piles of viaducts or vortex induced vibrations in slender structures.
The efficient use of these tools allows companies to accelerate the innovation, evaluating in a short period of time different alternatives of design, making experiments about prototypes, knowing the real performance of the process or product, updating the virtual model and simulating it against not tested conditions and proceed to optimization before it goes to market. However, some companies are not able to assimilate the full potential of their software investments, because sometimes the simulation remains disconnected from the production line and the methodological cycle discussed above is not completed. Trying to manage with this problem, CARTIF offers technological services of design, simulation, prototyping and testing, ranging from conceptual design to manufacturing and manufacturing supervision, applied to the automotive, renewable energy, chemical, agricultural, building, infrastructures and industrial machinery sectors.
In a previous post I tried to explain the Blockchain technology. In this occasion I will try to explain how customers in the electric market could benefit from it.
One of the most interesting Blockchain’s applications are the smart contracts. While a traditional contract is a piece of paper where two or more parties express their conditions and commitments, a smart contract is a computer program where the conditions and commitments are coded and automatically executed when the conditions are fulfilled. Currently smart contracts are restricted to simple agreements related to very specific applications. The Blockchain technology assures the fulfilment of the contract commitments with no need for a third supervising party. It is expected smart contract will reduce costs and speed up contract management. Besides this, they will enable almost real time audits. A Blockchain platform that supports smart contracts is Ethereum.
Smart contracts in the energy distribution sector could play the role of the current control algorithms. Among other duties, these algorithms are in charge of controlling energy flux between storage and generation depending on energy surplus. A first approach to smart contracts in the energy sector is POWR, developed by the Oneup company. The prototype runs on a neighbourhood where all the houses have solar panels installed. The energy that is not used in one house is offered to the neighbours and, at the same time, neighbours with a need for energy ask for it to their neighbours. Blockchain is used to record the energy flux between neighbours. The smart contract is stored in mini-computers attached to the meters in every house. It is continuously supervising the conditions coded in the smart contract and executing the commitments as soon as the conditions are met. Payments are done in its own cryptocurrency.
A similar example can be found in New York. The Brooklyn Microgrid project is building a microgrid to which the neighbours are connected. They have solar panels installed on the roofs of their premises. Neighbours use the energy they produce, but also they trade in energy to satisfy neighbours’ needs. This peer-to-peer market is supported by TransActive Grid, an initiative developed by LO3 Energy and ConsenSys. They use Ethereum technology. The project is studying how a microgrid autonomously managed by a group a people could behave. In a future the neighbours could become the owners of the microgrid according to a cooperative scheme.
Sharge participant installing Sharge at home
Alternatively to smart contracts, Blockchain technology is being demonstrated in other ways. One example is Sharge, a company that developed Blockchain-based technology that enables an electric car driver to charge the battery in any domestic plug engaged in the program. The house owner installs a small device on a plug, the car driver opens the device using his smart phone and then, after completing the charge, the plug owner is paid with a cryptocurrency. A similar idea is being developed by and RWE in the BlockCharge project. In both cases, the target is to develop a payment system for charging electric vehicles with no need for a contract nor an intermediary, agent or broker.
There are also cryptocurrencies designed to encourage the generation of solar energy, like Solarcoin. Others seek to enhance energy interchange between machines, like Solether. In this case Blockchain meets the Internet of Things paradigm.
Blockchain is a technology that could benefit energy users and foster the use of renewable energy. It will also empower the energy user, in particular domestic ones. While the technology is developed and tested, the legal and normative framework should be revised to remove barriers that could jeopardise Blockchain-based technology use.
The “Blockchain” is the technology supporting Bitcoin, the infamous cryptocurrency known for being the first widely used and reportedly used in some criminal activities. Blockchain is also the technology underlying Ethereum, which is also a means to implement smart contracts. There is an increasing interest around Blockchain because it promises disruptive changes in banking, insurance and other sectors narrowly involved in everyday life. In this blog entry, I will try to explain what is Blockchain and how it works. In the next entry, I will present some uses in the energy sector.
Blockchain is an account book, a ledger. It contains the transaction records made between two parties, like “On April 3, John sold 3 potatoes kilos to Anthony and paid 1.05 Euro”. The way Blockchain works avoid any malicious change in the records. This feature is not granted by a supervisor, but is a consequence of the consensus reached by all peers participating in the Blockchain. This has consequences of paramount importance. For instance, when Blockchain is used to implement a payment system, like Bitcoin, it is not needed a bank supervising and facilitating the transaction anymore. Even it would not be necessary to have a currency as we currently have.
The blockchain is a decentralised application running on a peer-to-peer protocol, like the well-known BitTorrent, which implies all the nodes in the Blockchain have connections among them. The ledger is stored in all the nodes, so every node stores a complete copy of it. The last component is a decentralised verification mechanism.
The verification mechanism is the most important part because it is in charge of assuring the integrity of the ledger. It is based on consensus among nodes and there are several ways to implement it. The most popular ones are the proof-of-work and the proof-of-stake.
The proof-of-work is the most common verification mechanism. It is based on solving a problem that requires certain amount of computing effort. In a nutshell, the problem is to find out a code called hash using the block content (a block is a set of recent ledger inputs). The hash is unique for a given block, and two different blocks will always have different hashes. The majority of the nodes must agree in the hash value, and if some of them find a different hash, i.e. if there is no consensus, the transactions in the block are rejected.
Applications based on Blockchain can be classified into three different categories according to their development status. Blockchain 1.0 are the virtual cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether. Blockchain 2.0 are the smart contracts. A smart contract is a contract with the ability to execute by itself the agreements contained in it. This is done with no need for a supervisor who verifies the contract compliance. Finally, Blockchain 3.0 develops smart contract concept further to create decentralised autonomous organisational units that rely on their own laws and operate with a high degree of autonomy.
Artificial soils, also called tecnosoils, technosols or technosoil are, as the name implies, artificial soils made from mixtures of different non-hazardous waste and by-products. These technosoils are usually complemented with other raw materials for their application both in the improvement of agricultural soils and in the restoration of degraded areas.
The main applications of the tecnosoils are amendment for agricultural soils, material for the recovery of degraded and/or contaminated soils and water, covering of rubbish dumps, employment in areas affected by urban works and infrastructures (roundabouts, roadsides and areas non-recreational garden areas), material for the recovery of mines and quarries or soils degraded by erosion, fire or loss of productive capacity.
The elaboration of the mixtures in order to obtain these artificial soils has a double purpose; on one hand, waste are valorized, minimizing the potential environmental impacts derived from a poor management of these and, on the other hand, degraded soils are recovered without excessive costs.
The idea is to take advantage of all the available resources in the market to valorize and transform them into the best amendments, fertilizers and tecnosoils, essential for the optimal management of agricultural soils or for the correct restoration of soil and environmentally degraded spaces. In this way, wealth is also generated and it is managed to avoid the unwanted and unnecessary elimination of multiple residues and products currently underutilized, able to be reincorporated to a new life cycle, maintaining an environmentally and economically sustainable model that also favors the fight against climate change.
We are working on projects developing tecnosoils inCARTIF, one of them is SUSTRATEC Project, which aims to develop precisely innovative tecnosoils, i.e., artificial soils, which will also possess special features that will make them innovative.
The main novelty of these technological substrates is that they will have a self-fertilizing capacity as well as atmospheric pollutant uptake. The aim is to create “soils to the letter“ and to amend agricultural soils taking into account the different problems. The tecnosoils to be developed will come from the valorization of the sludge coming from the purification plants and agri-food industries. These soils will be complemented with other raw materials such as sugar foams, mussel shell, coffee residues, or pruning, in addition to other additives.
One of the main innovative elements will also be the inclusion of encapsulated bacteria in tecnosoils that will be developed, and that they exert beneficial effects in the field, improving the fertility due to its capacity to fix nitrogen. In addition, artificial soils fixes atmospheric pollutants and contribute to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
One of the most important challenges that our society must face is how to transform our cities into more accessible, sustainable and efficient places. Our cities are, at this moment, in the very initial stages of this transformation, trying to get adapted to the new social challenges of the 21st century. To reach this ambitious objective, our cities have several plans for urban transformation, whose objectives while very interesting and ambitious, are far from being totally accepted by citizens as these lack of an essential aspect: integration. So we still have a long path in front of us.
The most important premise in this transformation process is that a city belongs to its citizens. It is essential to reinforce this motto, so that the citizens are at the center of this transformation process. Thus, as a direct consequence, any action to be deployed in a city must answer to its own identified challenges, following a city-led approach. And these, in turn, must have been identified considering their citizens’ concerns in a participatory process.
It must be added that in this process there are very good news. In order to implement this necessary transformation, we do not start from scratch. In almost any medium- or big-sized European city we can find medium- or long-term plans in the main sectors that regulate our lives in community. These plans are related to the built environment such as urban planning; the energy sector, with the energy plans, renewable energy deployment plans or the environmental sector in which many European cities have their own Sustainable Energy Action Plans to reduce emissions and their strategies to adapt to climate change with their Adaptation Plans. With respect to fostering efficient and sustainable mobility, we can find Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Finally, regarding economy and digitalization, we can find the Digital Agendas or Local Economic Development plans respectively.
On the contrary, the bad news are that all these plans are deployed in an isolated way, promoting very ambitious individual actions that pursue a high impact but lack of an integrated approach. Thus, the final impact is not as good as initially expected. The main remaining challenge is then to identify or establish interlinks and synergies among all these plans and this can only be achieved through a clear and well-structured analysis of the direct and indirect effects that each decision made will produce in the city and their citizens. Moreover, this integration would allow to prioritize all this actions set out in the existing plans following a holistic approach. The result of all this process would be a so-called integrated urban plan.
One of the most attractive aspects of the future cities is their transformation into economic engines, developing stable local economic ecosystems for investors and business. Ideally, this ecosystem will depend in a lesser extent on the exterior policies and will be based mainly on a sustainable local economy concept, always led by the city’s needs and strengthened with new digital services developed in a space of co-creation and co-design. Thus, again citizens are at the core of this process. As a consequence, strengthening this economic ecosystem and the industrial fabric of the city will increase its attractiveness, leading to the establishment of local talent and the development of new enterprises, especially under emerging business models; like entrepreneurship, start-ups and SMEs. This is the city business model.
The new generations of Lighthouse Smart City Projects, like our brand new mySMARTLife project, promote this new integrated vision towards a new city model. The concept of Innovative Urban Transformation promoted in mySMARTLife is based on the generation of comprehensive urban plans, which will allow a more efficient cityplanning, promoting the development of an urban transformation strategy based on strengthening the citizens’ engagement, developing a local economy ecosystem for the creation and maintenance of employment around the new city services that will result from the deployment of the integrated urban plan of the city.
The cities of Nantes (France), Hamburg (Germany), Helsinki (Finland), Varna (Bulgaria), Bydgoszcz (Poland), Rijeka (Croatia) and Palencia (Spain) have accepted to be part of this challenge.
But they are not alone. Dozens of cities throughout Europe and the rest of the world are already immersed in smart city projects, benefiting from the joint effort of researchers, companies and municipalities in finding solutions to their own challenges as cities.
In CARTIF, we are currently working with more than 100 European cities through our smart city projects. An exciting challenge. Would you like to be part of this transformation?