Internet of Things(IoT) are becoming common. These are the objects that connect to Internet by themselves to carry out their duties with no human intervention. One possible application that can help us to save money and to reduce greenhouse gasses emissions is the remote control of domestic devices featuring thermostats. These devices are the conditioning air, electric heaters, fridges, heat pumps and heating. While heat pumps are not common in many European countries, gas heating is widespread. Although the latter is not electricity driven, the same ideas can be applied because it relies on a thermostat. The important feature shared by all those devices is that they have thermal inertia, which means there is no significant effect if they are switched off for a reasonable period.
The first step is to connect to Internet the devices. There is technology available in the market to do this, like the Siemens’ Synco Living series or the devices manufactured by Greenwave Systems. This technology enables users to remotely access the aforementioned devices.
The next step is to allow the electricity company to control the thermostats, so they will be able to change the temperature set-point when some conditions are hold. For instance, in the case of the air conditioning, it means they will be able to increase the set-point up to certain threshold or for a certain amount of minutes every hour. In return for allowing changing set-points, the customer will have discount in his electricity bill.
Dryer connected to a smart switch
We have to consider companies do not participate in this scheme for the love of humankind, but because of the benefits they gain. What the company is really doing is to buy the customer’s flexibility. The flexibility is the energy the customer is willing to save if there is a return. When the company aggregates the flexibility of many clients, they find they do not need to produce or to buy a huge amount of energy which leads to big economic savings, in particular under unforeseen circumstances like some weather events.
But these programs that are profitable both for the companies and the customers have an even more interesting side; they foster the integration of renewable energies in the grid. The problem with renewable energy is that it cannot be scheduled, as it occurs with conventional sources. As a result, we have energy when there is no demand or the demand can concentrate when the wind does not blow. Demand response programs, this is the name for the described scheme, enables companies to use the aggregated customer’s flexibility to reduce energy demand when renewable sources are weak. In this way there is no need to build CO2 emitting reserve power stations, which are very expensive because they are not continuously running.
Demand response programs can be seen as a case of Internet of Things (IoT) and they are not common in Europe, at least among domestic customers, as it occurs in the USA. These programs allow citizens to be directly engaged in the promotion of renewable energies and in the reduction of greenhouse gasses production. They are a kind of everyday life perturbation, and some people could perceive it as an intolerable intromission. However, we have to consider almost all of us have a product called flexibility we can sell to the electricity companies and, at the same time, it is a personal involvement in climate change mitigation.
It is not easy to find a definition for Smart Grid that summarizes every objective, topic and technology included under this concept. Searching and surfing the web, one can find long and detailed descriptions including many of the Smart Grids related topics, or other very brief and simple that are only focused in the points that the author of the definition is interested in. It is out of the scope of this post to deeply analyze those definitions, so assuming the risk of being too simple in our description; we can say that a Smart Grid should include at least these four topics:
– Distributed generation: improving grid management when a great number of small and medium power sources are present in the grid and when renewable sources have an increasing weight in the generation system. – Demand response: allowing final users, specially domestic users, to make decisions about changing their consumption habits thanks to the information that they could receive about energy price or because they can use local generation or storing systems to support their own demand. – ICT: for data acquisition and management in the different grid levels, from users to generation systems and including transformation centres. – Reliability: using data and information acquired from the grid to improve management strategies and also maintenance politics of every element in the grid, including predictive maintenance what guarantee an increase in the reliability of the whole grid.
If the Smart Grid becomes true in every level of the electric system, there will be a great number of benefits for the different actors in the grid, for example:
– To increase the capacity of using renewable power sources at user and global level – To reduce of the electricity bill for the users as they have enough information to shift their demand to the hours of the day when the electricity cost is cheaper. – To increase the capacity of the distribution system operator for generation and demand balancing – To ease the maintenance of the equipment installed in the grid extending their life and avoiding unexpected faults, with the logic economic and management benefits for the distribution system operator
To achieve these goals it is needed to develop or deploy the suitable technology for every challenge, knowing that many of these technologies are already available. These technologies must be focused mainly on three topics:
– Power sources: including renewable power sources and batteries of different scale and power rates. These will allow a better use of the available energy in every site and for every user. – Equipment and devices for grid operation: including smart meters, remote operated devices and drives, smart appliances… To help accessing the grid data and information and also for a quick and remote operation of the devices that will deploy the management decisions in the grid. – Decision support systems, to help in the generation and demand balancing taking into account the different objectives that must be satisfied in the grid.
But it would be a big mistake to think that a grid will become smart when all these technologies are available or that these technologies will introduce the intelligence in the grid automatically. As an example we can notice that in Spain , the company Iberdrola has installed a smart meter to a 76% of its clients but it is difficult to find someone that has changed his electricity consumption habits thanks to the information that they can obtain from that devices. Even though when this could imply to reduce the cost of their monthly bill.
Without any doubt, we will deploy really smart grids only when everyone involved in the generation, demand, design, tools deployment or grid management could be part of a smart network of people working together for the same goal.
This imply not only to be smart for developing the best tools and technologies needed in every application, but also to be smart in selecting the final goals that we want to obtain. In this sense we can call “smart grid” that network in which everyone share the same sustainability objectives, environment care and optimal exploitation of available renewable power resources. Of course that economic profit is also needed to mobilize the required investment and involve many of the actors, but if this is the only goal in the short-term probably will not able to build a really smart grid. In our opinion, a smart grid will be the one in which:
– the users understand that participating in demand response strategies not only reduce their electricity bill, but also will contribute to build a system where renewable resources could be better exploited. In this way they could offer their flexibility in energy demand even though when their economic benefit could not be high, but they will be contributing to the environmental care. – the distribution system operator assume that their investment in the grid besides the economic profit should also search for a social and environmental benefit even though when the economic one could be limited. – the government facilitate the use of those technologies that increase the energy independence of the domestic users and that allow to take advantage of all the available renewable resources.
To sum up, a smart grid will be the one in which the common benefit of the society in the mid and long term is the main goal of every decision, either in the strategic ones made by humans or in the automatic ones made by the smart devices during the grid management. Because the intelligence is not only in the developed knowledge but mainly in the way we use it.
I had planned to continue talking about Green Manufacturing initiatives, but I have decided to write a new post with a different but complementary approach to sustainable manufacturing.
Before the Flood is a 2016 documentary film about climate change firstly screened on 30th October 2016 on the National Geographic Channel. Directed by Fisher Stevens and starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The film was produced by a collaboration between Stevens, Leonardo DiCaprio, James Packer, Brett Ratner, Trevor Davidoski, and Jennifer Davisson Killoran. Martin Scorsese is an executive producer.
The film shows DiCaprio visiting various regions of the globe during 3 years exploring the impact of man-made global warming. Along with Leonardo DiCaprio, the documentary includes interviews with Barack Obama, Pope Francis, Sunita Narain, Elon Musk, and Johan Rockström. I strongly encourage everybody to watch this film. It is widely available and free of charge on various platforms like the National Geographic Channel in Youtube
I have been fortunate to work on the demonstrative REEMAIN project during the last three years. In this project, among other multiple activities, three demo factories (biscuits, iron foundry and denim fabrics) are voluntarily –and supported by European funds- taking several initiatives in order to increase their efficiency in terms of energy and material resources consumption.
Even in subsidised scenarios like REEMAIN, it is not easy to achieve the required modifications in the manufacturing processes and installations in order to merely reduce the corresponding environmental impact, especially if the modifications affect the expected profits. Therefore, although some proposed measures should not affect the factory profitability, they are still perceived by the Managers as unnecessary risk or uncertainty elements.
Why should any company turn its production and operative systems upside down to fight against climate change? What happens with those companies whose products or production processes are inherently polluting?
Simply encouraging companies to include among their main objectives the fight against climate change is a good idea, or at least is better than doing nothing, but it is clearly not enough. The process will not be fast enough. The change must be externally boosted, and it is our responsibility as citizens-voters-consumers to assure it. One possible booster is the politician power through the adoption of new more restrictive legislation like the banning of coal use in the European cities. The other booster might be the consumers awareness and consequent rejection of those products and services associated with a high environmental impact. For example, the campaigns against the use of palm oil.
This film of DiCaprio is naturally more oriented towards the American public. Hence, it takes some time to explain the USA politician system and the economic relationships established between politicians and big hydrocarbons companies. Because of it, currently in the 2016 America Congress and Senate there is an important percentage of representatives that directly deny the climate change. In Europe, our politic representatives fortunately, no longer have doubts about the climate change. However, it seems like if the possible negative effects over the economy were slowing the development of new regulations that restrict or directly ban the most polluting products and processes. A practical example of this issue is the EC authorities management of the “Dieselgate” scandal.
The movie ends –this is not a spoiler, since the important idea of this film is spread through the whole movie- with a clear message: It is up to all of us to stop the climate change. It can be achieved using two tools: our consumer habits and our vote.
Consume differently. Reflecting on what we buy, what we eat and how we get our power, might make a first step.
Vote for leaders who will fight climate change, will make the second step. Leaders that will end fossil fuel subsidies and exploitation, invest in renewables and support a price on carbon.
I absolutely agree with both proposals. However, I would add that in addition to consumers and voters we are also citizens, hence, we must try to communicate and convince the rest of the citizens about the importance of stopping the climate change. This post is my first grain of sand.
Recently, the Augmented Reality is becoming more and more common due to use of hand-held devices on our daily life such as smart phones, tablets and lately smart glasses. In this way, different applications, in many cases for leisure, like “Pokemon GO” or “Snapchat” image editor tool, have become popular this technology. But it is also includes for professional use on multitude of application areas.
However, AR is neither a new technology nor it is subject to the use of smart phones orsmart glasses. Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) augments real world objects and scenes without the use of special displays such as monitors or hand-held devices. The key difference in SAR is it makes use of fixed digital projectors to display graphical information onto physical object surface. The display is separated from the user of the system.
Because the displays are not associated with each user, SAR scales naturally up to groups of users, thus allowing for collocated collaboration between users. Furthermore, users avoid suffering eye strain due to use of smart glasses or be loaded with extra hand-held devices. For these reasons, aside from games and leisure applications, SAR has many potential applications in Industry.
In the automotive industry is used frequently during design stage projecting onto the car surface different options to choose the finish, or showing the employee how to perform the tasks of a specific reparation. Although, one of most implementations in this field is assistance in manual assembly tasks.
One or more optical devices (projectors) fixed provide immediate guidance for tasks step by step, projecting indications (text, images, animations) onto the work surface and in some cases directly on the parts on which a user is working. Spatial Augmented Reality can offer the following benefits:
• Reduces or eliminates the need for computer monitors and screens, as the instructions appear directly in the task space. • Reduces users’ cognitive load when following work instructions, specially for training new workers. • Reduces the need to interrupt workflows to consult information elsewhere because there is no is no need for “attention switching” between work instructions and the task at hand.
In addition of previously commented: • Workers avoid suffering eye strain due to use of smart glasses or be loaded with extra hand-held devices. • One SAR system allows groups of users and collaboration between them.
This technology combined with some validation system, such as tool localization system or hand tracker trough computer vision, to ensure and confirm correct execution of the tasks, provides feedback for process improvement, traceability and reduces errors. CARTIF is involved in some projects that apply the benefits of Spatial Augmented Reality and reduce as much as possible its most delicate features, such as ambient brightness, adaptation of projection to colour and shape of the pieces, or possible occlusions produced by workers.
In previous posts, predictive maintenance was mentioned as one of the main digital enablers of Industry 4.0. Maintenance, linked to the industrial revolution, however, has accompanied us in our evolution as human beings.
Since prehistory, our ancestors have built tools that suffered wear and sometimes broke without prior notice. The solution was simple: to carve a new tool. By creating more elaborate mechanisms (e.g. wooden wheel), the natural alternative to disposal became the reparation by the craftsman. Mechanical looms of the First Industrial Revolution were even more complicated of repairing so specific professions emerged as precursors of current maintenance workers. During this evolution, the wear and breakdown of mechanical parts without prior notice continued as part of everyday factories.
Why this gear has broken? yesterday worked perfectly. Human brain can handle concepts such as linearity of events (seasons, day and night,…) or events that happen more or less at regular intervals. However, these unforeseen drove operators crazy. How can we ensure that gear does not break again? The answer was biologically predictable: “… let’s stop the machine every 2 days (for example) and let’s review gear wear…”
This tradition has resulted in the everyday maintenanceroutine that is applied in industry and in consumer products such as our cars. Our authorized dealer obliges us to make periodic reviews (e.g. each 10,000 km) to check critical elements (brakes, timing belt, …) and change pieces more prone to wear (tires, filters …). This is called preventive maintenance, and is applied in factories and other facilities (e.g. wind turbines) to avoid unexpected breakdowns. However, these faults cannot be eliminated (precisely, they are unforeseen) the only possible reaction is to repair them. This is called corrective maintenance and everyone hates it.
How to stop to all this flood of unexpected breakdowns, repair costs and unnecessary revisions? One of the disciplines with more experience since CARTIF‘s creation is predictive maintenance that seeks to mitigate (it would be unrealistic to assume that we will remove the unexpected) unexpected breakdowns and reduce machines’ periodic reviews. Again, predictive maintenance can be explained as a obvious biological response to the problem of unexpected breakdowns. It is based on the periodic review using characteristic signals of machine’s environment that may anticipate a malfunction. The advantage of this maintenance is that it doesn’t require stopping the machine like with preventive maintenance. For example, an electric motor can have a normal power consumption when it’s correctly operating, but this consumption may increase if some motor’s component suffers from some excessive wear. Thus, a proper monitoring of the consumption can help detecting incipient faults.
Continuing with the electric motor example, what should be the minimum variation of consumption to decide that we must stop the motor and a repair it? Like many decisions in life, you need to apply a criterion of cost/benefit, comparing how much can we lose if we do not repair this motor versus how much money the repair will cost. How to reduce uncertainty in this decision? The answer is a reliable prediction of the fault’s evolution.
This prediction will be influenced by many factors, some of them unknown (like we said it’s something random). However, the two main factors to consider for the prediction are (1) the kind of evolution of the damage (e.g. evolution of damage in a fragile part will be very different from a more or less tough or elastic piece) and (2) workload that the machine will suffer (a fan working 24/7, compared to an elevator motor that starts and stops every time a neighbor presses the button on a floor). A reliable prediction allows the maintenance manager choosing from, together with the forecast of factory workload, the more beneficial option, which in many cases is usually planning maintenance work without affecting production schedule.
Another beneficial effect of predictive maintenance is that a proper analysis of the measured signals provides evidence of what element is failing. This is called fault diagnosis and helps to reduce uncertainty in the more appropriate maintenance action. An example is the vibration measurement that helps distinguishing a fault of an electric motor having an excess of vibration because of an incipient short-circuit or due to a damaged bearing. But that’s the subject of another post.
Agriculture and husbandry are economical activities with high social value in some places around Europe; they have an important share in the economy of many European regions and the European Union devotes a significant part of its annual budget to farming and the related rural world. In spite of this, farmers usually have lower incomes than other citizens in the same social and cultural conditions.
Since the coming of the Enlightenment Age farming has enjoyed technical improvements that increased farming outcomes. During current century, Internet became a widespread technology and the Internet of Things is getting common. Both farming and husbandry will benefit from the Internet of Things. Is about machine communication and it relies on cloud computing and sensor networks. It is mobile, virtual and required reliable and fast data connections. It allows machines and processes to sense the environment and provides the intelligence needed to allow them to optimise by themselves.
Precision farming may be the first application of Internet of Things in farming. The key is to install sensorsto gather data from all the farming processes and to make decisions based on data in an automated way. Soil, plants, livestock, machines, weather can be monitored and actions can be taken to reach exploitation targets in an optimal way, as we reported here.
Although IoT can improve farming activity, we must keep in sight the prices farmers are payed depend on the market. Currently in Europe there is a market deregulation and therefore farmer incomes depend on the market whims. In this scenery, to organise the offer could help farmers to preserve their interests. Could IoT help to organise offer?
Imagine a region where all the farms use the IoT in their everyday activities. They use it to efficiently develop their work and they measure all the important parameters that allow knowing their state and performance. Imagine now that all the farms are connected and share the information gathered by the sensors. Finally, assume the network has intelligence.
Besides the farms information, that artificial intelligence receives information about who and where are the ones that potentially would buy farms products, how much the pay, how is production in other competitor regions, what are the forecasts for market and weather. Putting together all that information, that artificial intelligence would manage the farms by suggesting farmers different operations in order to maximise the delivery price. For instance, the artificial intelligence using available information may conclude that the maximum price for a given product could be reached if certain amount of tons is offered to a defined buyer a precise day. Among all the farms in the network, the artificial intelligence would choose those where the product is in the optimal maturation moment and would inform the farmers about the circumstances so they could proceed with harvesting and transport.
A schema like the one proposed would transform farms into things connected to Internet and smart enough to optimise the farming revenues by themselves. And it would be another technical innovation in the row started centuries ago that would improve farmers live.