Integration of hydrogen into the Spanish energy system: the CARTIF perspective

Integration of hydrogen into the Spanish energy system: the CARTIF perspective

Spain is positioned as a global referent in the energy transition thanks to its ambitious energy and climate change policies. According to the report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Spain aspires to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, with 100% renewable energy in the electricity mix and 97% in the total energy mix. This will only be possible by adopting renewable energies, improving energy efficiency and boosting electrification. However, green hydrogen will also play a crucial role, especially to decarbonise sectors such as industry and transport, as well as to store surplus renewable energy, reducing energy waste (curtialment).

In fact, green or renewable hydrogen is consolidating as a crucial energy vector to reach the decarbonisation of the Spanish energy system. With 20% of European electrolysis projects announced, Spain leads the way, followed by Denmark (12%) and Germany (10%). These three countries could generate more than 40% of Europe´s low-emission hydrogen by 2030.

This resource offers a viable solution for storing renewable energy and decarbonising difficult sectors such as industry and transport. At CARTIF, we have carried out an exhaustive analysis using advanced energy models to explore how this vector could be implemented in different future scenarios. To do so, we have used tools such as LEAP and other prospective methodologies that allow us to assess economic, social and environmental impacts.

The main objective of this analysis is to know the possibilities of integrating renewable hydrogen in Spain as a key strategy for achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This study is based on three fundamental scenarios that describe different development trajectories:

  1. Trending: represents a trend development of the energy system without the application of additional masures since 2019.
  1. PNIEC Objective: considers the policies and objectives set out in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC)
  1. Ambitious: proposes a high penetration of the renewable hydrogen, alligned with the goals of the European Hydrogen Roadmap.

This analysis also includes a comprehensive approach to assess economic, social and environmental impacts, thus allowing for the identification of barriers and opportunities for the energy transition in Spain.

To carry out this analysis, a simulation model was developed in the LEAP tool, capable of projecting both energy demand and generation over long-term time horizons. The model combines:

  • Socioeconomic projections, including variables such as PIB an population evolution.
  • Historical data on energy consumption and generation, essential to establish a base year reference
  • Specific scenarios that include different hydrogen penetration levels.
  • Key technologies integration such as electrolysers and hydrogen storage in salt caverns.

In addition, differnt national and international energy policies were evaluated, such as the Spanish Hydrogen Roadmap and the European Union´s vision of a “Clean planet for all”, as well as emission restrictions and reaching a certain percentage of renewables by 2050.

In the baseline scenario, where energy policies for demand reduction and decarbonisation aren´t considered, total energy demand in Spain would increase by 7% between 2020 and 2050. This growth is due to an increase ithe electrification of key sectors, following the trend observed so far. The PNIEC Objective scenario contemplate a much more significant improvement in energy efficiency and, above all, transitions from very energy intensive technologies to less energy intensive options (e.g. buses) or electricity consuming alternatives (e.g. heat pumps), using 40% less total energy in 2050 compared to the baseline scenario. In addition, there is a higher electrification (an increase of 26.6% between 2019 and 2050). In the scenarios that include hydrogen, electricity consumption in electrolysers is increased in exchange for decreasing the use of fossil fuels in the overall energy system.

Evolution of the system demand by sector on the different scenarios (TWh)

In terms of electricity sector supply, scenarios with hydrogen storage manage to reduce the renewable energy that cannot be harnessed due to lack of demand, known as curtailment, by up to 68%, allowing for greater efficiency in the use of renewable energies and avoiding oversized investments in installed capacity. This is mainly due to hydrogen´s ability to act as a energy storage vector, transforming surplus renewable generation into hydrogen that can be stored and used in periods of high demand or low renewable production. In addition, hydrogen systems such as electrolysers and fuel cells also improve the flexibility of the electricity system, enabling more efficient integration of intermittent sources such as solar and wind. These technological advances also reduce reliance on non-renewable sources during periods of high demand, consolidating a more sustainable energy system.

Results summary

In terms of emissions, in the baseline scenario CO2 equivalent emissions increaseslightly until 2050 due to limited electrification and continued dependence on fossil fuels.

The PNIEC objective scenario reduce emissions by 30% between 2019 and 2050, partially meeting climate objectives. A 100% renewable electricity grid is reach, although with a large investment. However, the 90% emission reduction target compared to1990 is not reached due to emissions caused by energy demand from other sectors.

Similar to the case of costs, in the basic hydrogen penetration scenario, emissions are reduced slightly, but not significantly. In the ambitious hydrogen scenario, thanks to a high penetration of electrolysers and energy storage, a 90% reduction in emissions is achieved, in line with the climate neutrality proposed by the PNIEC.

Emissions evolution (M ton. Co2 eq.)

The integration of renewable hydrogen into the Spanish energy system is essential to reach climate objectives and decarbonise key sectors such as industry and transport. The results of this study highlightthat:

  • It is essential to incorporate energy storage technologies, such as hydrogen, to maximise the use of renewable energies and reduce the losses and cost overruns associated with curtailment.
  • Current policies need to be strengthened and updated to ensure that the 2050 objectives are met, including incentives for the installation of electrolysers and hydrogen storage.
  • Increased investment in R&D for the development of hydrogen technologies will improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the system
  • Good planning of the energy transition towards climate neutrality is very importnat, with parallel efforts on decarbonisation of electricity generation and energy demand, and renewable hydrogen generation.

At CARTIF, we not only develop innovative technological solutions that drive the transition to decarbonised energy systems, but we also provide detailed energy reports and studies such as this one, designed to support institutions and companies in making key decisions for a sustainable future.


Pablo Serna Bravo. Industrial Engineer. He has been working at CARTIF since 2023 as a researcher specialising in hydrogen, energy modelling and global energy policy analysis.

Indoor air quality: What you don´t see, but what affects you

Indoor air quality: What you don´t see, but what affects you

Historically, much attention has been paid to out door air quality, especially pollution generated by cars and factories, and its impact on health. While this concern for outdoor air is well-founded, and certainly of concern, its “sister”, indoor air quality, is often overshadowed, when in reality, the concentration of pollutants and the time of exposure to them is much higher.

Think about it: How much time do you spend on indoor? You have dinner, sleep in a closed room, wake up, go to work (probably by bus or car), go to work, where you spend eight hours, return home by car, and then, it will depend on the activities of each one, but, unless you do some sport or activity that is exclusively outdoors, you will still be indoors. In other words, let´s suppose that, if you have dinner at 22h, probably until you leave work and eatl (if you leave at 15h, and as soon as you arrive you eat), you will have been almost continuously inside an enclosed space for 18 hours. 18 hours out of 24 hours indoors at least.

With this in mind, it certainly makes sense to be concerned about what we breathe at home, or at work, especially as studies attributte more than five million premature deaths per year to poor indoor air quality. On the other hand, there are also many diseases that are associated with, or exarcebated by, poor indoor air quality : asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (known as COPD), cardiovascular disease, headaches and migraines.

This is where the K-HEALTHinAIR project comes in, a project that seeks to identify and address the different pollutants present indoors, and assess how they affect human health. To do this, it combines low-cost air monitoring technologies in different spaces (hospitals, classrooms, homes, residences…) with data analysis tools to understand exposure to these pollutants, and propose innovative solutions to mitigate their effects.

At this point, the question of what are these harmful pollutants that we breathe in on a daily basis, and their sources, is likely to arise: some of the most common major indoor pollutants are CO2, which comes from human respiration and can cause fatigue, headaches, or decreased concentration; formaldehyde, present in furniture, paints, building materials, cigarette smoke, causing eye, nose and throat irritation, bronchitis and related to an increased risk of cancer; particulate matter (PM), originating from cooking and combustion activities in general. Smaller particles can enter the lungs, causing respiratory and cardiovascular problems; volatile organic compounds (VOCs), originating from cooking, cigarette smoke, air fresheners, paints… They can cause dizziness, asthma, irritation; and nitrogen dioxide (N2O), present due to cooking or gas cooker combustion, or fuel combustion. This pollutant can worsen respiratory symptoms2. In addition, outdoor sources can also influence indoor air quality.

Source: González-Martín J, Kraakman NJR, Pérez C, Lebrero R, Muñoz R. A state–of–the-art review on indoor air pollution and strategies for indoor air pollution control. Chemosphere. 2021;262:128376. doi:10.1016/J.CHEMOSPHERE.2020.128376

In other words, many of the activities or materials used on a daily basis can be a source of indoor pollutants. But just as these pollutants have ‘simple and common’ sources, so do some of the strategies you can apply to counteract them: regular ventilation (yes, it is winter now and on days when temperatures are close to Siberian, it is not pleasant, but a few minutes is probably enough) is always a good way. Or in the case of cooking, the use of extractor hoods. Reducing the use of air fresheners can also help to reduce these pollutants and thus improve indoor air quality. As explained above, smoking is also very harmful, so ideally this activity should not be carried out indoors. These are examples of simple activities to do to improve indoor air quality, and therefore your quality of life.

Ultimately, indoor air quality is a fundamental issue that should not be overlooked. Although sources of pollution in the home or indoors may seem unavoidable, small changes in our daily habits and conscious choices can make a big difference to our health and well-being. It’s not just about improving the environment we live in, but about protecting ourselves and our families from the negative effects of polluted air. After all, if we spend so much of our lives indoors, why not make those spaces a place where breathing is synonymous with health and tranquillity?

1 González-Martín J, Kraakman NJR, Pérez C, Lebrero R, Muñoz R. A state–of–the-art review on indoor air pollution and strategies for indoor air pollution control. Chemosphere. 2021;262:128376. doi:10.1016/J.CHEMOSPHERE.2020.128376

2 Mannan M, Al-Ghamdi SG. Indoor Air Quality in Buildings: A Comprehensive Review on the Factors Influencing Air Pollution in Residential and Commercial Structure. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, Vol 18, Page 3276. 2021;18(6):3276. doi:10.3390/IJERPH18063276

We´ve done it again: A new product on the market!

We´ve done it again: A new product on the market!

Every time I walk past the supermarket shelf and see it, I can´t help but smile. At CARTIF, we are incredibly proud to share with you that the result of the KOMFIBRA project has made its way to the market. Once again, a product developed by CARTIF has become a reality and is now available for everyone to enjoy. This achievement was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts with our friends at KOMVIDA.

The product? Kombucha enriched with fiber- a fermented tea containing probiotics and prebiotics, with a refreshing lime-lemon flvaor and light natural bubbles, unpasteurized. A healthy and delicious drink that everyone is talking about.

This project has been a true scientific and technological challenge, but every step along the way brought us closer to our goal: creating a functional product that is healthy, innovative and accessible to all.

During the first phase, we evaluated various types of fiber based on their solubility and their ability to preserve the sensory characteristics or original kombucha. We also consducted multiple tests to determine the best time to add the fiber during the production process to ensure its stability and flavor.

In the second phase, it was time to move from the laboratory to the industrial plant. The result? A drink with perfect bubbles, a delicious flavor, and a natural sewwtness enhanced by the added fiber, making it even more enjoyable.

Finally, the clinical study. We wanted this kombucha to taste great, but we also needed to confirm its health benefits. In a study with 60 healthy volunteers, we observed:

  • A reduction in blood triglyceride levels compared to the control group.
  • An increase in beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium, essential for a healthy hut microbiota.
  • A decrease in a microorganism associated with intestinal issues.
Profits of Kombucha fibra from Komvida

The best part? This kombucha is proof that innovation and great taste can go hand in hand. We´ve ensured it´s safe, well-tolerated, and has exceeded consumer satisfaction expectations during the study.

We want to thank KOMVIDA for trusting in CARTIF´s innovation and for the amazing teamwork that brought this challenge to the shelves, Seeing, touching, and tasting the result of our work is an incredible source of pride.

Komvida Fibra is more than just a drink; it´s an ally for your well-being. It´s already available on the market, and we´re confident you´ll love it as much as we do.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this excting journey!

Hydrogen objectives are being met?

Hydrogen objectives are being met?

In 2020, Spain took a firm step towards decarbonisation with the publication of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC). Among the measures highlighted, renewable hydrogen or green hydrogen, i.e., hydrogen generated in electrolysers powered by renewable energy, emerged as a key solution to reduce emissions in various sectors.

One of these measures was the publication of a Hydrogen Roadmap, which sets out concrete strategies to avoid CO2 emissions through hydrogen, replacing fossil fuels in uses such as heat generation for industry or housing, or as fuel in means of transport such as lorries or ships. It also sets targets for hydrogen use by 2030, including having 4 GW of installed capacity of electrolysers and replacing 25% of the hydrogen consumed in industry with green hydrogen.

Fig.1. Objectives of the Hydrogen Roadmap. Source: Hydrogen Roadmap

Thanks to these policies, both both local and international companies will start to invest in hydrogen, proposing projects with electrolysers of up to 100 MW to supply peninsular consumers. European programmes will help finance these projects, although they will also depend to a large extent on private investment.

The European Comission adopted its hydrogen strategy in July 2020, calling for a total of 40 GW of electrolyser capacity for the whole region by 2030, and hydrogen consumption accounting for 24% of all final energy by 2050. In addition, through other policies such as the “Fit for 55” package or RePowerEU, it will set an objective of 10 Mt of hydrogen generation and 20 Mt of consumption; 75% substitution of fossil fuels with renewables (including hydrogen) in industry and 5% in transport; and construction of up to 28,000km of hydrogen exchange pipelines, all by 2030.

Programmes are also being created to finance the installation of hydrogen infrastructure, such as “Hy2Tech” or “Hy2Infra”, which, between different calls for public and private funding, have raised more than 38 billion euros; as well as institutions designed to vridge the price gap that green hydrogen currently has, such as the European Hydrogen Bank.

Figure 2 shows the installation objectives of the different EU countries, which together manage to exceed the overall target for the region. Countries such as France and the Netherlands plan to reach up to 6GW of national capacity, followed by Germany, Italy and Denmark with 5 GW, or Romania and Spain with 4 GW.

Fig.2. Targets for installed capacity of electrolysers in EU countries by 2030. Source: Own elaboration for HYDRA project

According to the 2024 Global Hydrogen Review published by the International Energy Agency, the current installed capacity in Europe is 2 GW, leaving the 40 GW target a long way off. The challenges of financing for large infrastructure, electrolyser manufacturing capacity and connecting hydrogen producers and consumers need to be overcome to boost this growth.

At a global level, goverments´ concern for the energy and environmental situation has drivenpolicies and strategies for decarbonisation using renewable hydrogen. Not only large hydrogen producing and consuming countries, but also countries that see hydrogen as a great opportunity for development and economic growth, thinking about the posibility of international trade.

Figure 3 shows the electrolysers installation targets of other countries compared to the EU, together reaching more than 250 GW. Regions such as Europe, Russia and USA will try to reach more than 40 GW of generation, but also countries such as Chile, India or Canada are planning large investments, taking advantage of the opportunity to trade with hydrogen.

Fig.3. Global installed power targets for 2030. Source: own elaboration for HYDRA project.

Achieving the proposed targets, especially considering that we are halfway through many of them, is a considerable challenge. Of the 520 GW of projects announced for 2024, only 20 GW have reached the final financing decision, making this the biggest challenge to hydrogen penetration. As for electrolyser manufacturing capacity, it currently stands at 5 GW, although it has increased ninefold since 2021. The challenges are great, however, the global commitment and the desire to lead this energy revolution keep the commitment to hydrogen as a transformational solution alive.

Spain updated the PNIEC in 2023, increasing the objective for electrolysers capacity to 12 GW by 2030, more than a quarter of the total European Union target. Spain currently has an installed electrolyser capacity of 35 MW, and has the largest industrial electrolyser in Europe: a 20 MW electrolyser located in Puertollano, Ciudad Real. However, for the time being it depends on external electrolyser manufacturers.

This commitment reinforces the need to careful planning to maximise the economic, environmental and social benefits of this revolution. Despite progress in funding and project approval, further analysis of the impacts of hydrogen on the economy, land use and society is still needed.

Thanks to the use of Integrated Assesment Models, we can simulate complex scenarios and assess the effects of this transition, ensuring data-driven planning with a holistic sustainability perspective. At CARTIF, we work to understand and optimise the role of hydrogen in the energy transition. Through HYDRA project (no. GA 101137758), we have analysed hydrogen policies at European and global level, using Integrated Assesment Models (IAMs) to explore how this technology can be sustainably integrated into different sectors.

The implementation of policies such as RePowerEU and support for “hydrogen valleys” demonstrate a strong commitment to the development of this technology. However, international collaboration and strategic planning will remain essential to maximise its positive impact.

Renewable hydrogen represents a unique opportunity to transform our energy model and move towards a cleaner and more sustainable economy. At CARTIF, we continue to research and developsolutions that makes this vision a reality.



In a geo-political and socio-economic environment such as ours, in which the industrial and business environment requires liquid managers with the ability to make decisions that adapt to the environment like water to the container that holds it, in which unlearning and relearning is worth more than the knowledge acquired so far, in which action plans must consider exploitation and exploration activities at the same level of importance. In this fast-paced world, the rest of agents in the innovation ecosystem -technology centres and research agents, public administrations, and society-, need to introduce routine actions that balance the objective risk-return ratio for each entity. Routine actions repeated by each one of them, reinforcing the role of each one of them. The role of each agent is a subject I dealt with in the post “Every stick hold its own”

We need routines that reduce the level of uncertainty in the environment in which we move, routines that allow us to make quick decisions with the addequate risk to the rentability we want to achieve, routines that respond to how, what, who, where and why of each value proposition.

These routines begin in the formation of universities, where the seed must be sown so that the routines begin to take root and the ecosystem allows it to grow in fertile soil and reproduce itself and leave a legacy.

These routines, although they may seem antonyms of innovation because of their repetitive and predictable nature, are in in fact the pillars that support the possibility of exploring the unknown. In a dynamic innovation ecosystem, routines are not simply inert habits; they are the scaffolding that allows us to experiment, learn and evolve with purpose. Like the musician who rehearses the same scales day after day to improvise masterfully in concert, routines in innovation are the disciplined rehearsal that precedes disruptive genius.

In this context, routines should not be confused with rigidity. Rather, they are organisational patterns that provide stability without sacrificing the flexibility needed to adapt to change. For example, design thinking processes or agile methodologies, while structured, leave room for creativity and iteration. These practices demonstrate that innovation doesn´t emerge from absolute chaos, but from a balance between order and freedom.

In addition, routines play a crucial role in knowledge transfer. Universities and technology centres, especially, can structure training programmes for individuals and companies, as well as collaborative projects as the request of CIOS (Chief Innovation Officer) that turn exploration activity into practical and scalable aplications in a systematic way. In this sense, the routine becomes the mechanism that facilitates the cross-fertilisation of ideas and the market.

On the other hand, in a world that demands quick responses and effecetive solutions, routines help to reduce the friction between creativity and implementation. These routines not only clarify the steps needed to execute an idea by answering to how, what, who, where and why, but also align all actors involved, from companies and public administrations to researchers and technologists, in a common direction.

The key lies in designing routines that encourage continuous learning and systematic experimentation. This means unlearning what no longer works and developing new habits that incorporate diversity, technology and sustainability as core principles. In this way, the innovation ecosystem will be consistent with its purpose and will not only be able to adapt to the challenges of the present, but also to anticipate the opportunities of the future.

Ultimately, routines in innovation are not an end in themselves, but the means to generate sustainable impact. Routines reinforce the role of each agent, balance the risk-return trade-off and promote the establishment of a culture of collaboration and growth. These repetitive practices become the engine that drives transformational change. Because, paradoxically, true innovation is born of constancy: the constancy to do, to try, to fail and to try again.

How does the term “metal-eco-additive manufacturing” sound?

How does the term “metal-eco-additive manufacturing” sound?

The term eco-design is rather known nowadays, but you’ve probably heard little about eco-manufacturing, especially since it’s not a term widely recognized in technical or academic literature. However, it is a concept that has recently started to be used to describe manufacturing practices that centrally incorporate environmental aspects. Well, I’ll go even further, and try to explain what “metal-eco-additive manufacturing” is, a term I just invented to title this.

Forty years ago, Charles Hull’s invention of stereolithography (SLA) gave rise to what we now know as 3D printing – or additive manufacturing. Going one step further, the concept of metal 3D printing emerged after decades of development and experimentation, though its ideation can be attributed to Carl Deckard, a pioneer in Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) about 30 years ago at the University of Texas. Far from its industrial application at the time, its development went hand in hand with advances in new materials and high-power lasers in the 2000s. Although many have heard of processes for metal 3D printing, such as Selective Laser Melting (SLM) or Electron Beam Melting (EBM), it’s worth noting that the technology took 10 more years to reach large-scale industrial production – not just prototypes, as was done during the development phase for sectors like aerospace, automotive, or medical (which had the money for such “toys”).

Over the past 15 years, metal 3D printing processes have significantly improved (in precision, resolution, speed, physical properties, quality control, etc.), largely due to the emergence of new materials and their characteristics. On the other hand, methodologies have been created to analyze the efficiency of manufacturing processes themselves, parametric control, automation, and robotics, which directly impact costs, thus enabling the expansion of metal 3D printing applications to other sectors. Currently, these enhanced processes include, for example, Powder Bed Fusion (PBF), Direct Energy Deposition (DED), and metal Binder Jetting.

Well, the thing with additive manufacturing is like any technological process – progress is unstoppable: we don’t make airplanes the same way we did 120 years ago, right? 120 years ago, flying was already a reality (12 seconds and 36.5 meters), but I doubt we would agree to define “flying” the way the Wright brothers did in 1903. Their goal was “simply” to fly and survive. I don’t think they could have imagined that their scientific curiosity would become a key pillar of the global economy, nor did they think about 600-passenger airplanes, certifications governing the industry, or the pervasive existence of spaces for takeoff and landing.

In the same way, Carl Deckard, beyond his scientific interest in mechanical engineering, probably didn’t envision changing the world with his invention. However, just as air transport did, the additive manufacturing of metal parts has had, has, and will continue to have a massive impact globally. We now have new rules of the game and manufacturing possibilities for designs that were impossible until recently (generative designs), as their economic and environmental costs were prohibitive and bordering on madness. For example, if you don’t know how an airplane turbine is made (at least what it’s made from or how long it takes!!), you can’t appreciate the madness I’m referring to… and there are more and more airplanes every day!


Ecological awareness (so necessary today), the challenge ahead, and the transition to sustainability, will drive the circular economy in the use of metal additive manufacturing (or 3D printing). Or could it be additive manufacturing that will foster environmental sustainability? Or maybe a “virtuous loop” could be created where both fields will feed back into each other, by means of new concepts such as the one that I am coining here as metal-eco-additive manufacturing?

Simulation with lego of a metal-eco-additive-manufacturing laboratory. Author: Norberto Ibán Lorenzana

The thing is that everything evolves and new challenges arise; it won’t be enough just to design landing gears that fulfill their mission: apart from ensuring no one dies, they must be competitive. We must (and will be required to) know they were created in the most sustainable way possible and under circularity criteria. How? Well, looking towards the future, let’s imagine that the manufacturing conditions for a structurally responsible part could combine several manufacturing processes, not just one (machining) or the other (additive). Let’s also imagine that we could make parts that, although they could have inadequate finishes due to faster processes, these could be corrected in later treatments with techniques that require less effort. Or even, imagine that, if a part fails, we could refurbish it directly: that is, print what is missing on the same part so that the company using it can repair it in their own facilities. We wouldn’t have to throw away the part! Nor make a new one! We would avoid inventories of parts, storage, or transport of those spare parts, which is highly undesirable…

Well, the combination of additive manufacturing and circularity has a synergy point that will be researched and implemented over the next 4 years through a European project called DIAMETER, which involves more than 20 prestigious entities from 4 different continents. CARTIF is just one of these privileged entities that have already started working to build a bridge between metal additive manufacturing and the circular economy.

This bridge will be a framework where a series of metal parts used in critical cases across various production sectors will be analyzed, manufactured by different additive manufacturing processes. In DIAMETER, experimental physical results from the manufacturing processes will be compared with computational simulations of the parts in these processes to predict how the parts will respond to different process modifications. These responses (in terms of stress/deformation, among others) will provide mechanical knowledge about the parts and processes in terms of failures, waste, quality, or the need to integrate post-processing (hybrid manufacturing combining additive and subtractive). In short, a combination of possible scenarios and results that must be transformed into quantifiable outcomes under a sustainability approach to feed into an artificial intelligence system that will provide automated, optimal decisions on procedures and configurations in metal additive manufacturing of parts.

Well, yes, it’s as crazy as machining a 3m³ block of stainless steel on a 6-axis lathe for a week to get an airplane turbine or a hydraulic turbine. Or, seen another way, 500K€ for a week, with the possibility that, if there are errors, the turbine might need to be thrown away and start over from scratch.

But let’s take it step by step. The first thing will be to characterize these manufacturing processes, see how the parts are generated and whether they suffer deviations, inaccuracies, or analyze the quality of the surface itself. For this, artificial vision technology for geometric verification of parts during the manufacturing process will be used, which are technologies in which CARTIF has been working 30 years… and we have much ahead to go in the future!

Iñaki Fernández Pérez. PhD in Artificial Intelligence. Researcher at the Health and Wellnes area at CARTIF. He is currently collaborating on several projects that seek to apply cutting-edge technologies (AI, IoT, Edge Computing…).