Every time I walk past the supermarket shelf and see it, I can´t help but smile. At CARTIF, we are incredibly proud to share with you that the result of the KOMFIBRA project has made its way to the market. Once again, a product developed by CARTIF has become a reality and is now available for everyone to enjoy. This achievement was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts with our friends at KOMVIDA.
The product? Kombucha enriched with fiber- a fermented tea containing probiotics and prebiotics, with a refreshing lime-lemon flvaor and light natural bubbles, unpasteurized. A healthy and delicious drink that everyone is talking about.
What was our challenge?
This project has been a true scientific and technological challenge, but every step along the way brought us closer to our goal: creating a functional product that is healthy, innovative and accessible to all.
During the first phase, we evaluated various types of fiber based on their solubility and their ability to preserve the sensory characteristics or original kombucha. We also consducted multiple tests to determine the best time to add the fiber during the production process to ensure its stability and flavor.
In the second phase, it was time to move from the laboratory to the industrial plant. The result? A drink with perfect bubbles, a delicious flavor, and a natural sewwtness enhanced by the added fiber, making it even more enjoyable.
Finally, the clinical study. We wanted this kombucha to taste great, but we also needed to confirm its health benefits. In a study with 60 healthy volunteers, we observed:
A reduction in blood triglyceride levels compared to the control group.
An increase in beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium, essential for a healthy hut microbiota.
A decrease in a microorganism associated with intestinal issues.
Kombucha, a product for everyone
The best part? This kombucha is proof that innovation and great taste can go hand in hand. We´ve ensured it´s safe, well-tolerated, and has exceeded consumer satisfaction expectations during the study.
We want to thank KOMVIDA for trusting in CARTIF´s innovation and for the amazing teamwork that brought this challenge to the shelves, Seeing, touching, and tasting the result of our work is an incredible source of pride.
Try it!
Komvida Fibra is more than just a drink; it´s an ally for your well-being. It´s already available on the market, and we´re confident you´ll love it as much as we do.
Thank you to everyone who has been part of this excting journey!
Once again, the time has come to celebrate food, nourishment, and everything that surrounds this fundamental human right.
Every year, on October 16th, the world comes together to celebrate and raise awareness of an essential aspect that affects all of us every single day: food. Food is not just what we eat; it represents the people, our environments, and the planet we all share. This day is marked by events around the world, engaging all actors in the system-governments, businesses, civil society, researchers, and every one of us who needs to eat every day. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) uses this occasion to remind us of something as vital as the right to food.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, recognizes the right to food, as well as the rights to life, liberty, work, and education. Every single person on this planet should have access to enough food that is nutritious, affordable, safe and sustainable.
This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the Right to Food Guidelines, which outlined how to achieve this goal through appropiate strategies, programmes, policies and legislation.
#WorlFoodDay is one of the most celebrated days on the United Nations (UN) calendar; this occasion aims to raise awareness about the need to unite the efforts of all actors within food systems to achieve the right to food, ensuring a better life and future for all.
Despite this, much remains to be done to ensure consistent results across the globe. Conflicts and violence are major drivers of hunger. It is deeply concerning that hunger persists, even though we produce enough food to feed more people than the current global population.
Agricultural productivity declines, pest outbreaks, and soil degradation cuased by the effects of climate change; food waste, resource overexploitation, food insecurity, and imbalances in food availability leading to extreme hunger or, conversely, widespread overweight and obesity-these are unresolved challenges that continue to destabilize the right to food.
It seems logical and straightforward that everyone should have access to food and a healthy diet. Yet, unhealthy diets remain the leading cause of all forms of malnutrition (undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and obesity), affecting 2.8 billion people worldwide, regardless of social class.
Food systems are key to transforming the way we eat into healthier, more sustainable, and safer practices, while at the same time being severely affected by crises linked to conflicts, climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. A stronger global commitment to the right to adequate food is essential through the transformation of food systems into more sustainable, resilient, and equitable systems.
“It is crucial to highlight the importance of food and the need to make concerted efforts to ensure that every person on the planet has access to a diverse range of nutritious, affordable and safe foods, all produced in a sustainable way.
This celebration serves as both a recognition of this right and a call to action to transform our food systems to meet current needs and protects future generations.
It is a day to celebrate the richness of diversity, the importance of all that surrounds food, and a call to action to work together, engaging al actors in the chain (governments, civil society, researchers, businesses) to promote the necessary transformation of food systems and ensure access to healthy diets for all.
At CARTIF, as a Technology Center, our missions is to generate solutions for the transformation of food systems to increase their sustainability, resilience, safety, and fairness. We apply our knowledge and technologies to drive innovation that enhances the availability of nutrtitionally rich foods, fosters food security, and makes full use of natural resources within a frameworl of sustainable food production. This is our commitment to building a sustainable future for food.
In a world that is increasingly globalized, the trend to consume local products and opt for short distribution chains has become increasingly relevant. This approach not only has economic implications but also environmental and social ones, positively impacting citizens and the planet. However, this trend is far from becoming our routine food shopping practice.
According to data published by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food in 2021, food is primarily distributed through supermarkets, hypermarkets, and discount stores, reaching 73% of sales, while traditional shops distribute 18% of food1. At the European level, direct sales between farmers and consumers only represent 2% of the fresh food market2.
Some forms of selling local or proximity products through short distribution chains include farmers’ markets, direct on-farm sales, or community-supported agriculture (CSA), a model in which consumers purchase subscriptions directly from farmers and in return, regularly receive fresh products like fruits, vegetables, and sometimes meat or dairy during the harvest season.
Consuming local products strengthens the economy of our region. By buying directly from local producers and farmers, we promote the growth of small and medium-sized businesses, generating employment and keeping resources within the community. This cycle of local consumption and production helps create a more resilient economy, less dependent on global fluctuations.
Short distribution chains, characterized by the minimal number of intermediaries between the producer and the consumer, have a direct impact on the freshness and quality of products. By reducing the time and distance of transport, food arrives fresher and more nutritious to our tables. Additionally, this reduction in transport decreases carbon emissions and the ecological footprint, significantly contributing to the fight against climate change.
From a social perspective, local consumption strengthens social ties. Knowing the producers and understanding the origin of the products we consume creates a deeper connection and a sense of belonging and responsibility towards our community. This direct relationship also allows for fairer trade, where producers receive adequate remuneration for their work, avoiding exploitation and promoting decent working conditions.
In terms of sustainability, short distribution chains promote more responsible and sustainable agricultural and production practices. Local producers often adopt more environmentally friendly farming methods, such as organic or regenerative agriculture, which preserve biodiversity and improve soil health. This contrasts with the intensive, large-scale practices of global food industries, which often result in environmental degradation and loss of natural resources.
However, there are barriers that are preventing the take-off of this type of distribution. The main limitations are the small volumes and limited variety of production that are not always able to meet the demand of large buyers, such as in the case of public purchases for hospitals, schools, etc. Additionally, the time and lack of specific producer’s skills can be considered barriers since, besides production tasks, they must perform marketing, advertising, sales, management, etc. Moreover, the higher price and lower convenience, meaning less variety in sizes, formats, pre-processed products, etc., of these types of products make them less adaptable to the lifestyle of many people compared to products sold in large distribution chains. There is also the lesser availability of hours or proximity that these markets can offer the consumer.
Research into how to minimize these barriers is key to tipping the balance towards a more responsible and sustainable production and consumption model in the long term. Greater consumer awareness, along with increased support from public agencies to generate and maintain strategies and actions that support local consumption, are essential.
Many cities and regions are implementing multiple, integrated strategies to promote the shortening of supply chains and stimulate the demand for locally and sustainably produced food. These represent a firm commitment to the development of low-carbon, resilient, and diversified food systems. Some examples are the Strategic Food Plan of Catalonia 2021-2026, the Municipal Action Plan of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Food Strategy 2017-2025, or the Food Corridors Strategy in Coimbra (Portugal).
Some of the actions that are part of these strategies include promoting an online sales network for local products, enhancing the commercialization of local products through the increase and improvement of producer market infrastructures, fair trade fairs, etc., creating a distribution network for local products and facilitating the adhesion of local producers to it, legislating and training public technicians to improve local producers’ access to public procurement, especially in tenders aimed at school canteens, among others.
These strategies and actions are being developed with the participation of many involved actors, from producers to consumer associations, including distributors, food companies, representatives of public agencies, etc., and are equipped with solid monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.
CARTIF, through the FUSILLI project, is working in 12 European cities with the aim of shortening food distribution chains and contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable food system. This set of best practices and experiences are available to be adapted to any other context involved with local consumption and the sustainability of its citizens and planet.
And as an example of our commitment, CARTIF, in collaboration with the Association of Organic Producers Vallaecolid, offers its employees the possibility to buy local and seasonal products weekly and receive them at their workplace. It’s that easy! Are you willing to be part of a similar initiative?
1 Report of the food consume in Spain 2020. Available at: https://www.mapa.gob.es/ca/alimentacion/temas/consumo-tendencias/informe-anual-consumo-2020-v2-nov2021-baja-res_tcm34-562704.pdf
What if we had a tool that we could carry in our pocket and that would allow us to control the quality of the food products at any point in their production?
Dear sirs, we have it!! It seems like and advert selling a panacea,I know, but I´m not going beyond reality…. I´m talking about Near Infrared Spectroscopy technology, known as NIRS, which has been in our lives for more than 30 years and,at last, we are taking good aim at applying it in places and moments that can get us out of many predicaments in our day-to-day lives in the agri-food sector, so let’s give it the treatment it deserves!
Well, being rigorous with this technology , near-infrared analysis is an instrumental technique in the field of molecular spectroscopy, wihich requires chemometric treatment of the data obtained, because the signal obtained in the near-infrared is so complex that the bands of the spectrum are difficult to interpret. And here we start with the complicated terms… chemometrics? Quite simply, statistical techniques to which you have to apply logic, good common sense and a lot of chemistry!!!!
Portable NIRS with tester of the CARNIQUS project
The methodology followed using NIR spectroscopy leads us through analyses aimed at characterising products by quantifying analytical parameters that are of interest to us or that are critical for quality control of both raw materials and products during processing or of the final product.
In addition, another application of this technique is that it is capable of discriminating products according to the quality standards set by the company itself at each stage of processing. In this case, these are (non-targeted) classification models that allow you to identify or detect that something has changed in the product, which may be due to a change in the raw materials (differences in nutritional composition), changes between batches (which may affect the final product), production problems (dosage of ingredients) and even if there is any adulteration in any ingredient used or possible contamination in its preparation.
The verification of a production process generally depends on the results obtained in a laboratory through long and costly analytical methods, which implies “not-inmediate” response times.NIRS technology is an analytical tool that allows us to track the traceability at any point and along the entire production chain and, therefore, provides us with important advantages in decision-making or problem detection in situ.
Nowadays, portable equipment not much bigger than a smartphone, is already available, capable of analysing a multitude of products by simply selecting the right modelat any given moment. Although, it must be said, these models have to be meticulously developed by personnel who are experts in the technology, and that is what research centres such as CARTIF are here for.
It has been almost 15 years since I came across this technology thanks to a colleague who worked with it and it was out of sheer conviction that I took the baton of this great technique with which I continue to advance, learning and working, so that companies, especially in the agri-food sector, get to know it and take advantage of all its benefits.
In the 1960s, the American biologist Norman Borlaug used selective plant breeding techniques to create a dwarf variety of wheat that uses most of its energy to produce grain instead of stalks. This work won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 and, along with that of many other scientists, is part of what we now know as the first Green Revolution. The Green Revolution many different technologies, including modern irrigation approaches, new pesticides, synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and molecular plant breeding techniques. The results were obvious: from the 1960s to the 1990s, rice and wheat yields in Asia doubled. Although the continent’s population increased by 60%, grain prices fell, the average Asian consumed almost a third more calories, and the poverty rate halved. The United Nations now forecasts that by 2050 the world’s population will grow by more than 2 billion people. Half will be born in sub-Saharan Africa, and another 30% in South and Southeast Asia.
We need another green revolution.
However, if we have learned anything in recent decades, it is that the techniques that were once so successful have not been the best for the planet. The intensive use of fertilisers and pesticides has contributed to soil degradation and water pollution. The adoption of monocultures, focused on a few high-yielding varieties, and the genetic erosion associated with crop selection processes, have led to loss of biodiversity and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases.
Lombardy poplar (P. nigra cv ‘Italica’) individuals resistant (left) and susceptible (right) to infection by Melampsora sp (poplar rust), a common pathogen in the genus. Source: Bárbara Díez Rodríguez
The revolution also exacerbated social inequalities, as small farmers found it difficult to access new technologies, creating disparities in farming practices. The expansion of agricultural land to increase production has contributed to deforestation and changes in land use. The Second Green Revolution represents a contemporary effort to further improve the productivity, sustainability and resilience of agriculture by integrating advanced technologies, scientific innovations and sustainable practices. And this is where agrigenomics comes in.
In simple terms, agrigenomics is a field of applied research that focuses on understanding and harnessing genetic information to improve various aspects of agroforestry and livestock production. Big data and technology play a crucial role, providing the tools and infrastructure to manage, analyse and extract information from large amounts of genetic, agricultural and forestry data. With the advent of high-throughout DNA sequencing technologies, the ability to decipher the entire genetic make-up of crops is within our grasp.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) system located in CARTIF’s laboratories, which combines complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology with the accuracy of Illumina’s chemical sequencing by synthesis (SBS) process. Source: Raúl Sánchez Francés
This influx of genomic data, combined with advanced bioinformatics tools (e.g. data analysis pipelines), allows researchers to identify key genes associated with desirable traits such as yield, disease resistance and stress tolerance. In addition, precision agriculture technologies, including remote sensing, drone surveillance and satellite imagery, enable real-time data collection on crop health, soil conditions and environmental factors. All this information allows us to optimise agroforestry practices, including the precise and targeted use of fertilisers, pesticides and water resources based on the genetic characteristics of crops. We can also investigate the role of micro-organisms such as soil bacteria and fungi to promote soil health, nutrient cycling and plant-microbe interactions; or use traditional breeding techniques, together with modern tools such as marker-assisted selection, to develop crops with improved traits such as higher yields, better nutritional content and increased disease resistance.
Ultimately, agrigenomics aligns with agroecological principles by providing tools to understand and exploit the genetic diversity and adaptability of crops and livestock. This knowledge contributes to the development of resilient, resource-efficient and environmentally sustainable farming systems that prioritise biodiversity, local adaptation and reduced reliance on harmful chemicals.
Today, 16th October, we celebrate once again a very important date for each and every living being of the planet; World Food Day. This time, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) pays tribute to precious resource essential for life; WATER.
Water is life, as the motto of this year´s celebration says..
It is a driving force for people, economy and nature and is the lifeblood of food. Food security and proper nutrition are terms that are intrinsically linked to ecosystmes, where without water there is no life, no fundamental functions and no productivity-crucial aspects of food systems.
Water and food systems are profoundly linked through activities related to food production, processing, distribution, preparation and consumption within a broad and complex socio-economic, political and environmental context.
Food we eat and how ir is produced affects water. In fact, if we think about the food we eat, 95% of it is produced from a combination of water and ground. However, we must bear in mind that water suitable for drinking, agriculture and most industrial uses, known as freshwater, comprises only 2.5% of the total. Surprisingly, agricultural sector alone consumes more than 70% of the world´s available freshwater supply. And here comes some worrying news: due to population growth, urbanisation and economic development, the global demand for water for agriculture is expected to increase by 35% for 2050. This problematic is already a reality; according to FAO, 3.2 billion people live in agricultural areas with high or very high water scarcity.
#leavenoonebehinf; Water is life. Water nourishes. However, 2,400 million people live in water-stressed countries and aproximately, 10% of world´s population lives in high and critically stressed countries.
In the case of food from fisheries and aguaculture, whose importance for the diet is high due to its composition of essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, the dependance on water is even greater. According to FAO data; at least 600 million people depend on aquatic food systems.
In addition to water quantity needs, water quality is also being affected by climate change and related diseases and food regions where extreme heat events occur.
Relationship between water and assurance of food and nourishing HLPE (2015)
These extreme weather events can affect water quality in several ways. On the one hand, rising temperatures can lead to the proliferation of water-and food-related diseases, as warm conditions favour the reproduction of dangerous micro-organisms. In addition, extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, can contaminate drinking and agricultural water sources.
According to the Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report published last July, climate change is having a direct impact on decreasing food security and affecting water availability, hampering efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, oceans warming and acidification is having adverse effects on seafood production.
The same report again points to the need o to curb global warming. Limiting the growth of warming to 1.5ºC would reduce water stress and benefit this resource.
Therefore, climate change, water scarcity, the need to produce food for a growing population, degradation of water resources and associated ecosystems present significant challenges. In addition, other difficulties arise such as increasing competition for water use in different sectors and the lack of effective mechanisms to manage and protect the interests of those who are most vulnerable. There is an increasing urgency to find a sustainable way to manage water, which is referred to as “water security“. This would not only improve efficiency in food production and ease the tension in the conflict between growing demand for food and limited water resources, but also ensure access to food for all people. In this sense, water plays a key role in the process of improving our food systems.
There is a need to reduce water stress factors on food systems, as this has a strong negative impact on their functioning.
Water managament and governance is important not only in agriculture, but also in addressing water and food waste at all stages of the chain. The lack of relevant data between the different processes in the nexus highlights a lack of coordination between related actors and is a challenge that we need to address in a holistic manner.
The future of food is at stake, but there is no doubt that this necessary paradigm shift is intimately related with the future of people and the planet, and that it is a path for all of us towards a sustainable future, as our colleague Julia Pinedo explained in her post “Towards a food revolution”.
World Food Day is a day of celebration and a multitude of events and activities are organised around it. But, above all, it is an opportunity to reactivate our awareness of hunger and the planetary needs of ALL actos involved in ensuring a sustainable future of food for people and the planet.
Today´s agriculture is not sustainable and compromises the future if we don´t incorporate innovative axes and responsable solutions to ensure an adequate and sustainable food supply for generations to come. Our challenge is to produce more food and essential agricultural products with less water. This means creating and participating in integrated solutions for more efficient use and better conversation of existing water resources. Water challenges are pressing in all sectors, and achieving balance in water allocation requires collaboration between governments, farmers, researchers and civil society. To meet the water needs associated with food production, scientists and farmers are working together to develop sustainable water practices, such as building desalination facilities, creating reservoirs, applying water-saving technologies to reduce per capita water demand and improving agricultural efficiency.
Researchers seek new sustainable, social and economic solutions to address water challenges and meet our growing needs. This involves considering the complex interactions between resources and variables in realtion to water, energy, food and ecosystems.
It is therefore essential that our actions are linked across the water cycle and food systems to improve both the water cycle itself and food securty in the context of healthy and balanced ecosystems.
The choice of the food we eat contributes to the way it is used. Actions such as eating local, seasonal and fresh food or minimising food waste contribute to reducing the impact on water stress.
Therefore, at CARTIF we work from a broad perspective of action on the challenges associated with this valuable resource. An example of this is our activity in the FUSILLI project in the transformation of food systems in a holistic way with the objective of improving their environmental sustainability through actions related to water management, the reduction of food waste, social inequality in its use and the evaluation of the associated uses.