When machines learn to communicate: the role of ontologies in the interoperability

When machines learn to communicate: the role of ontologies in the interoperability

In a previous blog post, we talked about the importance of interoperability and how it allows different systems to communicate with each other without barriers. We used the metaphor of the digital Tower of Babel to explain the challenges that arise when multiple technologies, devices and platforms try to share information without common language. In this context, one of the pillars facilitating semantic interoperability is the use of ontologies.

But what is an ontology and why is it so relevant for the digital and energy efficiency world? Let´s explain it in a simple way.

To understand what an ontology is, let´s think about how human beings communicate. We do not all speak the same language, and each language has its own grammatical structure, sounds and written symbols. Even within a language, there are dialects and regional variations that can make communication more complex.

Machines and digital systems face a similar problem. Each manufacturer of sensors, devices or software may use its own “language” to represent data. One building´s air conditioning system may report the temperature in degrees Celsius, while another reports it in Fahrenheit. Some devices may call a value “room temperature”, while others simply label it “temp” o “T”. If these systems do not have a common dictionary, communication between them will be difficult or even impossible. This is where ontologies come into the picture..

In the field of computer science and AI, an ontology is a structure that defines concepts and the relationships between them within a specific domain. In other words, it is a way of organising information so that different systems understand it in the same way.

Returning to the language analogy, an ontology is like a multilingual dictionary with clear grammatical rules. It not only establishes equivalences between concepts belonging to different languages, but also establishes the relationships between them. For example, if an ontology says that “room temperature” and “temp” means the same thing, a system using this ontology will consider both expressions as equivalent. Moreover, an ontology allows inferring new information from the knowledge that is already defined in it. That is, it not only stores data, but can also use it to infer things that weren´t explicitly written down.

To fix the concept of ontology let´s imagine a house, in which we could define:

  • Concepts: doors, windows, wall, room, kitchen, bathroom…
  • Relationships: a door conects rooms, windows are in walls, a bathroom is a type of room….

With all this described and well formulated, an artificial intelligence could answer questions such as, can a window be on the roof? or can there be more than one door in a house?

Ontologies help machines reason about information, allowing them to understand concepts in a more structured way, and not just as loose data. In fact, ontologies are often used in intelligent search engines, robotics, chatbots, etc.

As mentioned in our previous post, interoperability has several dimensions: technical, syntactic, semantil and organisational. In this case, ontologies play a crucial role in semantic interoperability, ensuring that systems understand and interpret information in the same way.

Imagine a platform that manages the energy efficiency of a smart building. It receives data from multiple sensors and systems: lighting, air conditioning, electricity consumption, air quality, etc. If each of these devices uses a different way of representing the information, without an ontology to standardise this data, it would be a chaotic to try to process and analyse it in a unified way.

The use of a pre-established ontology will allow this platform to recognise that “temperature sensor”, “thermometer” and “internal climate” are related, ensuring that the information is processed in a consistent and homogeneous way.

Ontologies are not only a exclusive concept on digital world. In our everyday life, without knowing, we use similar structures to organize information. For example:

  • In a supermarket, products are organised into sections: fruits, dairy products, meat, bakery etc. This scheme helps us to find what we are looking for quickly.
  • In a library, books are classified by genre, author and subject, making them easier to find.
  • In the medical field, there are classification systems for diseases and medicines so that health professionals speak the same language.

In the field of energy efficiency, ontologies are essential to develop services that turn buildings into smart buildings capable of self-managing and optimising their consumption. By using a common ontology, different systems can exchange information without misinterpretation, allowing lighting, HVAC and other devices to work together efficiently.

In addition, ontologies allow reasoning (drawing conclusions), which facilitates the development of decision support systems to optimise energy use, reduce waste and improve the operational efficiency of buildings.

There are several projects in which CARTIF analyses and applies standard ontologies to ensure that data from different buildings are understandable and reusable in advanced digital solutions, such as the DEDALUS and DigiBUILD projects. In both projects, the use of ontologies allows the information to be unified, thus facilitating the generation of joint building automation and control strategies and decision making based on real data. Furthermore, the use of ontologies allows the different systems being developed in these projects to “speak the same language”, which means that they can easily exchange information and understandeach other, even if they have been designed by different entities or for different functions.

Through the use of ontologies, we incorporate a new technological enabler that allow us to build a more digital and sustainable future, where information flows without barriers and where buildings are truly intelligent, thus contributing to the decarbonisation and sustainability of the planet.

Integration of hydrogen into the Spanish energy system: the CARTIF perspective

Integration of hydrogen into the Spanish energy system: the CARTIF perspective

Spain is positioned as a global referent in the energy transition thanks to its ambitious energy and climate change policies. According to the report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Spain aspires to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, with 100% renewable energy in the electricity mix and 97% in the total energy mix. This will only be possible by adopting renewable energies, improving energy efficiency and boosting electrification. However, green hydrogen will also play a crucial role, especially to decarbonise sectors such as industry and transport, as well as to store surplus renewable energy, reducing energy waste (curtialment).

In fact, green or renewable hydrogen is consolidating as a crucial energy vector to reach the decarbonisation of the Spanish energy system. With 20% of European electrolysis projects announced, Spain leads the way, followed by Denmark (12%) and Germany (10%). These three countries could generate more than 40% of Europe´s low-emission hydrogen by 2030.

This resource offers a viable solution for storing renewable energy and decarbonising difficult sectors such as industry and transport. At CARTIF, we have carried out an exhaustive analysis using advanced energy models to explore how this vector could be implemented in different future scenarios. To do so, we have used tools such as LEAP and other prospective methodologies that allow us to assess economic, social and environmental impacts.

The main objective of this analysis is to know the possibilities of integrating renewable hydrogen in Spain as a key strategy for achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This study is based on three fundamental scenarios that describe different development trajectories:

  1. Trending: represents a trend development of the energy system without the application of additional masures since 2019.
  1. PNIEC Objective: considers the policies and objectives set out in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC)
  1. Ambitious: proposes a high penetration of the renewable hydrogen, alligned with the goals of the European Hydrogen Roadmap.

This analysis also includes a comprehensive approach to assess economic, social and environmental impacts, thus allowing for the identification of barriers and opportunities for the energy transition in Spain.

To carry out this analysis, a simulation model was developed in the LEAP tool, capable of projecting both energy demand and generation over long-term time horizons. The model combines:

  • Socioeconomic projections, including variables such as PIB an population evolution.
  • Historical data on energy consumption and generation, essential to establish a base year reference
  • Specific scenarios that include different hydrogen penetration levels.
  • Key technologies integration such as electrolysers and hydrogen storage in salt caverns.

In addition, differnt national and international energy policies were evaluated, such as the Spanish Hydrogen Roadmap and the European Union´s vision of a “Clean planet for all”, as well as emission restrictions and reaching a certain percentage of renewables by 2050.

In the baseline scenario, where energy policies for demand reduction and decarbonisation aren´t considered, total energy demand in Spain would increase by 7% between 2020 and 2050. This growth is due to an increase ithe electrification of key sectors, following the trend observed so far. The PNIEC Objective scenario contemplate a much more significant improvement in energy efficiency and, above all, transitions from very energy intensive technologies to less energy intensive options (e.g. buses) or electricity consuming alternatives (e.g. heat pumps), using 40% less total energy in 2050 compared to the baseline scenario. In addition, there is a higher electrification (an increase of 26.6% between 2019 and 2050). In the scenarios that include hydrogen, electricity consumption in electrolysers is increased in exchange for decreasing the use of fossil fuels in the overall energy system.

Evolution of the system demand by sector on the different scenarios (TWh)

In terms of electricity sector supply, scenarios with hydrogen storage manage to reduce the renewable energy that cannot be harnessed due to lack of demand, known as curtailment, by up to 68%, allowing for greater efficiency in the use of renewable energies and avoiding oversized investments in installed capacity. This is mainly due to hydrogen´s ability to act as a energy storage vector, transforming surplus renewable generation into hydrogen that can be stored and used in periods of high demand or low renewable production. In addition, hydrogen systems such as electrolysers and fuel cells also improve the flexibility of the electricity system, enabling more efficient integration of intermittent sources such as solar and wind. These technological advances also reduce reliance on non-renewable sources during periods of high demand, consolidating a more sustainable energy system.

Results summary

In terms of emissions, in the baseline scenario CO2 equivalent emissions increaseslightly until 2050 due to limited electrification and continued dependence on fossil fuels.

The PNIEC objective scenario reduce emissions by 30% between 2019 and 2050, partially meeting climate objectives. A 100% renewable electricity grid is reach, although with a large investment. However, the 90% emission reduction target compared to1990 is not reached due to emissions caused by energy demand from other sectors.

Similar to the case of costs, in the basic hydrogen penetration scenario, emissions are reduced slightly, but not significantly. In the ambitious hydrogen scenario, thanks to a high penetration of electrolysers and energy storage, a 90% reduction in emissions is achieved, in line with the climate neutrality proposed by the PNIEC.

Emissions evolution (M ton. Co2 eq.)

The integration of renewable hydrogen into the Spanish energy system is essential to reach climate objectives and decarbonise key sectors such as industry and transport. The results of this study highlightthat:

  • It is essential to incorporate energy storage technologies, such as hydrogen, to maximise the use of renewable energies and reduce the losses and cost overruns associated with curtailment.
  • Current policies need to be strengthened and updated to ensure that the 2050 objectives are met, including incentives for the installation of electrolysers and hydrogen storage.
  • Increased investment in R&D for the development of hydrogen technologies will improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the system
  • Good planning of the energy transition towards climate neutrality is very importnat, with parallel efforts on decarbonisation of electricity generation and energy demand, and renewable hydrogen generation.

At CARTIF, we not only develop innovative technological solutions that drive the transition to decarbonised energy systems, but we also provide detailed energy reports and studies such as this one, designed to support institutions and companies in making key decisions for a sustainable future.


Pablo Serna Bravo. Industrial Engineer. He has been working at CARTIF since 2023 as a researcher specialising in hydrogen, energy modelling and global energy policy analysis.

Hydrogen. Green that I want you to design green

Hydrogen. Green that I want you to design green

Green hydrogen is positioning itself as a viable alternative in the context of the transition towards clean and sustainable energy sources. Not only does this energy carrier transform energy without emitting pollutants, but it also has significant long-term storage capacity, which helps to address one of the main problems of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind: their intermittent and seasonal nature.

Due to the several hydrogen applications and the variable nature of renewable sources, the design and optimisation of green hydrogen production, storage and utilisation systems are complex processes especially when applyied to industrial processes, where careful management of the entire chain is necessary to ensure continuous and efficient operation. This is where simulation and optimisation tools plays a crucial role, facilitating the efficient integration of hydrogen into the energy system and enabling optimal decisions to be made based on detailed data and accurate projections.

In order to move towards a more sustainable and decarbonised energy system, it is essential to apply dynamic modelling and simulation to optimise both the production and use of green hydrogen in the residential, industrial and heavy transport sectors, as each has different energy demand patterns, requiring the development of specific tools to evaluate multiple scenarios, optimise design and determine the most appropriate control and management strategies.

These tools not only allow the simulation of system behaviour under real conditions, but also help to optimise important parameters such as electrolyser power ratings, hydrogen storage volume and the management of optimal times to consume or storage energy. The application of advanced optimisation algorithms aims to reduce operational and investment costs while maximising the use of renewable energy by ensuring that the best technical, economical and ecological decisions are made.

CARTIF which is a Cervera Centre of Excellence, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the CDTI, under the files CER-20191019 and CER-20211002 has developed a tool for the design and optimisation of this type of systems thanks to the CERVERA H24NewAge project. It is a platform that enables the design and optimisation of systems for the production and use of green hydrogen in residential and industrial environments by applying dynamic modelling together with Python through an easy-to-use web interface that facilitates access to complex simulations without the need for advanced technical knowledge, contributing to the democratisation of hydrogen technology, allowing users with different levels of experience to interact with complex models and gather useful information for decision-making in the design of their systems. Some of the key points of the tool are:

  • Simulation of hydrogen production scenarios: Users can simulate a variety of hydrogen production environments, such as industrial processes, industrial cogeneration, residential micro-cogeneration and large-scale power generation.

  • Optimisation Based on Advance Algorithms: The tool helps to size the optimal size of system components, minimising costs and maximising renewable energy utilisation using advanced optimisation algorithms. It also includes the creation of operational strategies that consider renewable energy availability, hydrogen demand and storage constraints to achieve economical and efficient operation.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Crucial parameters such as geographic location, demand profiles and renewable production technologies can be adjusted through the platform, making it ideal for a variety of scenarios and specific needs. This capability is fundamental for users to assess how their designs would perform in different situations and scenarios, adapting hydrogen production and storage technologies to the particularities of each environment.
  • Visualization of results: The tool’s web interface makes it easy to visualise simulation results through interactive graphs and tables showing key aspects of the system, such as energy efficiency, operating costs and storage capacity. Users can also compare the results of different scenarios, which is essential for identifying opportunities for improvement and making further adjustments.

Ultimately, tools such as these can be used to evaluate and optimise strategies for the production and use of green hydrogen, facilitating its integration into the energy system and contributing to a more sustainable future. Thanks to access to advanced models and optimisation algorithms, these tools enable informed decisions to be made, resulting in more efficient and resilient systems. A clear example would be the optimal hydrogen storage capacity, the correct estimation of which can avoid unnecessary costs and ensure a constant supply, increasing the operational efficiency of the system. In addition, the ease of use and flexibility offered by these platforms help reduce the technical barriers to adopting green hydrogen, making it an accessible and viable option for a wider range of users and applications. This is key to moving towards an effective energy transition and to fostering solutions that reduce dependence on fossil fuels and support climate change mitigation.

Jesús Samaniego. Industrial Engineer. Since 2002 he has been working at CARTIF in the development of projects within the field of energy efficiency, the integration of renewable energies and in the study of the quality of the electricity supply

Overcoming the Digital Tower of Babel: Interoperability, a key element for the obtention of Intelligent and Connected Buildings

Overcoming the Digital Tower of Babel: Interoperability, a key element for the obtention of Intelligent and Connected Buildings

I have always been passionate about telecommunications, and the implicit idea of achieving a “connected world”, wired or wireless, where information flows from one end of the globe to the other, regardless of the location and the native way in which each country, city or region tends to communicate. But in the face of this idealisation of a historically and recurrently connected world, there are problems of understanding in this communication. Whether it is because the language is different, because different alphabets or writing is used, or because culturally the rules of language use and the way of communicating differ from continent to continent, the reality is that global communication is a challenge that we continue to face today.

In the era of digitisation and the Internet of Things (IoT), where large volumes of data are now being collected, stored and processed, problems in the communication and unique representation of information are once again becoming apparent. It will be difficult to find data capture devices (from different manufacturers) that provide information using the same format, or that answer using the same question. Such is the problem that there are disciplines, including telematics, that focus on defining and specifying standard communication protocols that apply to different domains. But what if we want to communicate different domains? Despite the existence of standards, the problem persists. We are faced with a Digital Tower of Babel, where the heterogeinity of protocols, representation formats, communication rules and standards once again makes understanding between systems and solutions difficult.

To solve this problem, and of course, in the military and technological sphere, the concept of interoperability was born, understood as the ability of the armed forces of different nations to collaborate efficiently through the integration of systems and communications. This interoperability approach was later adopted by other sectors, such as the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector, with the development of systems that required efficient and conflict-free information sharing between different devices and platforms. In this ICT context, interoperability is understood as the ability of different systems, devices or applications to comunicate, exchange and use information effectively and coherently.

To achieve this interoperability between heterogeneous systems, i.e., systems that speak different languages and represent the information in different ways, we need to cover several dimensions, each focusing on a different aspect of communication and data exchange between systems:

  • Technical interoperability refers to the ability of different systems and devices to connect and communicate with each other through standards and protocols. This includes hardware, software, networking and communications compatibility.

  • Semantic interoperability is responsible for ensuring that the information exchanged is understood in the same way by all parties, thanks to the generation of a common vocabulary (ontology). It is about ensuring that systems interpret data with the same meaning, regardless of how they are structured or labelled.
  • Syntactic interoperability ensures that systems can process and exchange data in a structured way, i.e., that the same data formats and structures, such as XML or JSON, are used.
  • Organisational interoperability involves the alignment of policies, processes and regulations across organisations to enable effective collaboration. It encompases governance arrangements, security policies and data management.
Interoperability types

One of the sectors that will benefit greatly from these interoperability solutions is the building sector, where digitisation and information exchange at all stages of the life cycle offers a springboard for development and competitiveness. Here, the creation of intelligent buildings, highly monitoring and able to anticipate the needs of their users thanks to digitisation and advanced data processing, alowws forbuildings that contribute to the goals of efficiency, decarbonisation and sustainability. In this context, interoperability solutions allows the diverse energy systems (such as lighting,HVAC, air conditioning, etc.) to work together, sharing and processing data seamlessly, regardless of manufacturers or platforms. This helps to optimise building management, reduce costs and improve energy efficiency by enabling systems to work as an integrated ecosystem.

At CARTIF we have been working for more than a decade on energy efficiency projects where interoperability enabling technologies, both technical and semantic, are a key element for obtaining smart, open and highly replicable solutions. Projects such as DigiBuild, DEDALUS and BuildON are examples of how these technologies facilitate the creation of smart and sustainable buildings.

Solution Bundles: A tool in the path through climate neutrality

Solution Bundles: A tool in the path through climate neutrality

In 2022, the European Commission choosed 112 cities to participate in the”100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030″ initiative (27 european and 12 from partner countries). These cities would receive technical support from the Mission Cities platform run by the European NetZeroCities project, with the objective of acting as centres of experimentation and innovation to reach climate neutrality by 2030; as well as serving as model for other cities to reach the same goal by 2050.

Since the start of the project, NetZeroCities has supported the 112 cities selected as “Mission Cities”, which have participated in programmes such as the “Pilot Cities Programme” and the “Twinning Learning Programme”.

Cities clasification on NZC project

To formalise this sustainability objective, NetZeroCities project has supported the development of Climate City Contracts in the selected cities. These formalise an agreement between the city, its stakeholders (such as companies, civil organisations and citizens) and the European Commission; setting out clear and specific commitments for 2030 and 2050.

Climate City Contract (CCC) is an action plan that allows the municipality to define the actions and the public and private municipal actors involved in the development of actions aimed at achieving climate neutrality by 2030 and 2050. This process is iterative and allows for new commitments and periodic evaluation of the measures taken.

This document establishes a comprehensive strategy divided into three main lines of intervention, the agreement of the parties called commitments, the strategy for climate neutrality called Action plan and the economic model that supports it, called Investmen plan.

To do, cities must formalise a common commitment among all stakeholders, identifying priority sectors, principles of climate justice and collaboration, and actors committed to the city´s climate goals. It then presents an action plan that assesses the strengths and gaps of existing policies, proposing a portfolio of coordinated interventions that includes an emissions inventory as a starting point and highlights the social benefits of the proposed actions, as well as providing conclusions for future updates of the plan. In this section, Solution Bundles play a crucial role in offering direct solutions to move towards climate neutrality and facilitate the necessary commitments and processes to achieve it in each city together with the stakeholders invovled. Finally, an investment plan is developed that organises public and private resources, analyses past and current investments, identifies barriers and needs, and develops policies to attract capital, mitigate financial risks and build capacity with the active participation of key stakeholders.

NetZeroCities. European Mission Cities

From CARTIF, the team compound by Rosalía Simón, Ana Belén Gómez , Andrea Gabaldón, Carolina Pastor y Carla Rodríguez, has developed this tool to support cities in the development of their Climate City Contract. Solution Bundles provide combinations of enabling technologies and mechanisms that when implemented together maximise their impact, facilitating the selection of actions aimed at achieving climate neutrality. The aim is to facilitate the visualisation of a comprehensive and effective approach, improving acces to the NetZeroCities Information Repository and the understanding of innovative urban solutions.

In addition, Solution Bundles can be used as a canvas in the work of engaging local stakeholders to increase their participation; they act as an interactive canvas for workshops, facilitating the creation of resources or knowledge between municipalities and other stakeholders.

Packages of actions designed to mitigate climate change and achieve carbon neutrality in cities

The tool has four packages, which allow the selection of diverse technologies through interactive and simple diagrams; as well as presenting this information in relation to the scale of implementation (City, District and Building).

  • E-Movility and electrification”: The included solutions on this package are focus on the production of renewable energy and the decarbonization of all sectors through electrification.
  • Low-carbon energy via setor coupling”: This package focuses on connecting different sectors through energy systems, applying principles of circular economy and waste reuse.
  • “Reduction of energy & resources needs”: This package hosts passive solutions focused on reducing energy needs in the built environment, increasing the efficiency of resource and energy utilisation systems.
  • Carbon capture, storage & removal”: This package focuses on reducing energy needs through carbon sinks, eliminating residual emissions and using Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to manage the city’s ecosystems and optimise carbon sequestration.

Its development is being carried out in different phases, with the aim of implementing feedback from different users and cities. Initially, it will be focused on helping Mission Cities, but with the aim of supporting all cities in their process towards climate neutrality by 2050.

Currently, the tool is still under development and only two of the four packages are active; they are available on the project’s portal as beta version for Mission Cities.

  • Choose your approach: Beggin selecting the package you want to focus on: “E-Movility and electrification”, “Low-carbon energy via setor coupling”, “Reduction of energy & resources needs” y ”Carbon capture, storage & removal”.
  • Filtering options:You can then customise your view by checking or unchecking boxes to show or hide specific areas of the package. This feature helps you focus on the solutions most relevant to your objective, reducing the number of actions presented and making the process more efficient.
  • Explore solutions: The solutions shown are linked to factsheets in the NetZeroCities Information Repository, related scientific articles and case studies, covering various thematic areas. If you want more information about the technical solutions, you can access to the following link.
  • Connection to Enabling Mechanisms: At the top of the tool, you will find connections to other resources (Finance, Policy and Governance, and Capacity) for the selected package. These new resources provide information on how to improve the strategic framework where solutions are implemented.

Access the Beta version

”State-of-the art on technical solutions to achieve climate neutrality (WP10)”

How Can Urban Climate Strategies be simplified?

Spain energy future: flexibility as the key to a sustainable system

Spain energy future: flexibility as the key to a sustainable system

The world is moving towards a future without fossil fuels, and this transformation is already underway. Fossil fuels, which have been the main source of energy for more than a century, are in decline for reasons of both environmental sustainability and limited availability1.

The PNIEC (National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030) stipulates that by 2030, 42% of the final energy consumed must come from renewable sources. To reach this objective, 27% of this final energy must be electricity, mostly generated from renewable sources (with a goal of 74%). This will involve the installation of more than 55GW of additional renewable generation capacity. This increase in the share of renewables in our energy mix raises new technical issues, as renewables, by their nature, are intermittent and less predictable compared to traditional energy sources. This can lead to inestabilities in the electricity grid, manifesting themselves as congestion and voltage variations.

On the demand side, the energy transition will also require an increase in the electrification of energy consumption, especially in the transport and air conditioning sectors, as well as in some industrial demands.

For the electric system, this will result in an increase in electricity demand and a transition from a traditional, flexible and highly predictable centralised generation system, with passive consumers and distribution networks, to predominantly renewable, decentralised and intermittent generation system, with managable demand resources and an increasing need for flexibility to ensure efficient levels of quality and safety..

The flexibility of a power system is defined by its ability to adapt to imbalances between generated and consumed power. Failure to meet this condition can lead to system and, therefore, on the supply. Till today, the flexibility of our system has being mainly proportionated by fossil generation plants, that equilibrates the generation of existent demand, maintaining a controlled growth of the electric demand. However, at the energy transition context, this change for several reasons:

  • The main renewable generation sources (solar and wind) do not have the capacity to “keep up” with demand.

  • When the transmission capacity of power lines is exceeded by demand, congestion arises, leading to overloads and supply failures.

  • When the quantity of power generated doesn´t match the real-time demand, voltage variations occur, affecting the quality of the power supply and potentially damaging equipment and appliances connected to the grid.

  • The electrification process entails a significant increase in consumption on transmission and distribution lines, which must be adapted to this increase in demand, especially during consumption peaks. Adapting these infrastructures exclusively through the repowering of lines or the installation of additional lines would have a very high material and economi cost.

  • The current model of renewable energy integration is associated with more decentralised generation, wich means that flexibility suppliers will also be increasingly distributed across distribution networks.

  • Although electricity storage offers high system flexibility, its high cost, especially in pre-metered systems, makes it necessary to consider additional sources of demand flexibility.

For all of these reasons, it is considered critical to favour and promote demand flexibility. This can be done implicitly, through incentives for users to change their consumption habits, for example, price signals, and also explicitly, where the activation of flexibility is direct and with a shorter-term response. An example of this second case is balancing services.

On the other hand, grid instability, resulting from the high share of renewables in a decentralised scheme, can be addressed through participation in local flexibility markets, which allow consumers and small generators to offer consumption and generation adjustment services, helping to stabilise the grid.

In the ENFLATE project, CARTIF is developing a flexibility management tool that helps the network operator to manage distribution networks by simulating scenarios representing participation in local flexibility markets. In is also possible to simulate the provision of balancing services for the transmission grid operator. These services are studied on the electricity netowrk of Láchar (Granada), operated by the partner CUERVA.

In Spain there is still no regulatory framework for local flexibility markets, so the European framework is used. The minimum size of flexibility offered in the local flexibility markets considered in the ENFLATE project is of 0.1MWh and the trading period is one hour. The two products offered are: surge management and congestion management.

Balancing services are offered in the balancing markets. There are three possible services: primary regulation, secondary regulation and tertiary regulation. In ENFLATE we simulate the last one, also known as manual actuation reserve for frequency. It allows offering 1MW to be bid and the trading period is from 15 minutes to two hours.

ADAION is another partner providing digitisation services on the demonstrator. Its cloud-based platform uses artificial intelligence to simulate and know the capacity of the network at all times. It provides the necessary inputs to the algorithm developed by CARTIF, so that participation in both markets can be simulated. Renewable generation, flexible demand and electric storage.

Thanks to projects such as ENFLATE, we can study the scope and benefits of using demand flexibility in real demonstrators such as the Láchar grid, simulating flexibility and balancing market conditions. In this way, we prepare for the challenges of the energy transition. At national level, the current regulatory framework for demand-side flexibility is underdeveloped and scatteres in various regulations, which have gradually been modified with the aim of transposing the European Directives. While they are being consolidated, we preparing for change with projects financed by the European Commission, as in the case of ENFLATE2.

1 https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/ciencia/medioambiente/prescindir-los-combustibles-fosiles/

2 Project funding by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union. Grant agreement: 101075783